فرضی ہیں تاکہ کسی کی بھی شناخت ظاہر نہ ہوسکے
میرا نام شاکر ہے میری عمر 32 سال کے قریب ہے
یہ کوئی ڈیڑھ سال پہلے کی بات ہے پہلے کی بات ہے ایک دن میرے کمرے میں تمام کمپیوٹرز خراب تھے اور مجھے کام کرنے کے لئے دوسرے کمرے میں جانا پڑا جہاں کام ختم کرنے کے بعد حاجی صدیق صاحب نے مجھے اپنے پاس بلا لیا اور کہا کہ کبھی ہمارے پاس بھی آکر بیٹھ جایا کریں میں نے کہا حاجی صاحب آپ چائے پلائیں تو میں آپ کے پاس بیٹھ سکتا ہوں تو ان کو جیسے سانپ سونگ گیا اچانک ان کی میز کے دوسری طرف بیٹھی ایک لڑکی نے کہا سر چائے پلا دیں گے آپ بیٹھنے والی بات کریں اس کی بات سن کر میں حاجی صاحب کی ٹیبل پر بیٹھ گیا حاجی صاحب نے بتایا کہ یہ شہزادی صاحبہ ہیں اور چند دن پہلے ہی آفس جوائن کیا ہے انہوں نے ایک معروف سیاسی شخصیت کا نام بھی لیا اور بتایا کہ یہ ان کی رشتہ دار ہیں اور ان کی سفارش کی بدولت ہی اس دفتر میں آئی ہیں میرے کان حاجی صاحب کی طرف اور نگاہیں شہزادی صاحبہ کی طرف تھی جو کسی بھی طرح سے شہزادی نہیں لگ رہی تھی بیس سال کے قریب عمر کی موٹے جسم کی مالک سانولے رنگ کی عام شکل وصورت کی مالک حجاب پہنے ٹیبل کے دوسری طرف بیٹھی ٹیلی فون پر کینٹین میں چائے کا آرڈر دے رہی تھی اس کے جسم میں ایک ہی خوبی تھی کہ اس کے ممے بہت بڑے تھے کم از کم اڑتیس سائز کے ہوں گے چائے پیتے ہوئے مسلسل اس کے مموں کے بارے میں سوچتا رہا بعد میں مجھے معلوم ہوا کہ لاہور سے تین گھنٹے کی مسافت پر ایک قصبے سے تعلق رکھتی ہے اور یہاں ایک سرکاری ہاسٹل میں رہتی ہے جس پوسٹ پر اس کو دفتر میں رکھا گیا ہے اس کے لئے اس کی کوالیفکیشن بھی پوری نہیں ہے ایک دن اس نے مجھے میرے موبائل پر کال کی اور کہا کہ اس کا بھائی گھر سے آرہا ہے اس کا ایک کام کسی جگہ پھنسا ہوا ہے اگر میں کوئی مدد کرسکتا ہوں تو کردو میں نے حامی بھر لی تین بجے کے قریب شہزادی صاحبہ اپنے بھائی کے ساتھ میرے کمرے میں آئی اور مجھے ایک فائل پکڑا دی میں نے فائل دیکھی تو پتا چلا کہ جس شخص نے یہ کام کرنا ہے وہ میرا ایک دوست ہے میں نے اس دوست کو فون کیا تو اس نے کہا کہ کام ہوجائے گا اور یہ کام واقعی دو دنوں بعد ہوگیا اس کے بعد شہزادی صاحبہ نے مجھے شکریہ کے لئے فون بھی کیا ایک دن میں کسی کام کے سلسلہ میں دوبارہ حاجی صاحب کے کمرے میں گیا تو حاجی صاحب موجود نہ تھے شہزادی صاحبہ نے مجھے بٹھایا اور چائے منگوالی اس دوران اس سے پندرہ بیس منٹ تک گفتگو ہوتی رہی اس نے بتایا کہ ہاسٹل میں اس کی کسی بھی لڑکی کے ساتھ اتنی زیادہ دوستی نہیں ہوئی روزانہ ہاسٹل جاکر وہ رات گئے تک بور ہوتی رہتی ہے میں نے اس کو مشورہ دیا کہ اس کے ہاسٹل کے قریب ہی ایک بڑا پارک ہے وہ وہاں شام کے وقت واک کے لئے چلی جایا کرے میں بھی اکثر شام کے وقت وہیں جاتا ہوں اس نے کہا کہ میرے ساتھ جانے کے لئے کوئی بھی نہیں ہوتا حالانکہ میرا دل بھی کرتا ہے کہ شام کو واک کیا کروں میں نے فوری طورپر خدائی خدمت گار بنتے ہوئے اپنی خدمات پیش کردیں کہ میں جس وقت پارک جاتا ہوں اس وقت وہ بھی آجایا کرے تو میں اس کو واپس ڈراپ کردیا کروں گا لیکن اس نے انکار کردیا تھوڑی دیر بعد حاجی صاحب کمرے میں آگئے میں نے ان سے کام کے متعلق بات کی اور اپنے کمرے میں آگیا شام کے وقت پارک جارہا تھا کہ راستے میں شہزادی صاحبہ کا فون آگیا کہ شاکر صاحب میں آج واک کے لئے جانا چاہتی ہوں آپ کس وقت آئیں گے مجھے بڑی حیرت ہوئی کہ چند گھنٹے پہلے ہی اس لڑکی نے مجھے ایک ٹکا سا جواب دیا تھا اور اب مجھے خود کہہ رہی ہے خیر میں نے اسے بتا یا کہ میں پارک تھوڑی دیر کے بعد پہنچ جاﺅں گا میں پارک پہنچا تو گیٹ پر ہی اس کے ساتھ ملاقات ہوگئی دونوں اکٹھے پارک میں گئے اور باتیں کرتے کرتے واک کرتے رہے اس دوران شہزادی صاحبہ نے بتایا کہ ان کے باپ ایک مذہبی جماعت کے ضلعی امیر ہیں اور ان کا گھرانہ بہت مذہبی ہے اس کے گھر والے اس کو دوسرے شہر میں ملازمت کے لئے نہیں آنے دیتے تھے مگر وہ ضد کرکے یہاں آئی ہے رات کو آٹھ بجے میں نے اس کو ہاسٹل چھوڑا اور خود گھر آگیا اگلے دن پھر شہزادی صاحبہ کا فون آگیا سات آٹھ دن تک میں نہ چاہتے ہوئے تھی اپنی خدمات شہزادی صاحبہ کو پیش کرتا رہااب روزانہ شہزادی صاحبہ مجھے دفتر میں ہی انٹر کام کے ذریعے پوچھ لیتیں کہ کس وقت پارک جانا ہے ایک دن میرے ایک کولیگ نے مجھے کہا کہ خوب عشق چل رہے میں نے اس سے پوچھا کہ کون سے عشق تو اس نے کہا کہ شہزادی صاحبہ کے ساتھ میں بہت پریشان ہوا اس دن میں نے واک کے دوران شہزادی کو کہا کہ میں کل سے تمہارے ساتھ نہیں واک کروں گا دفتر میں لوگ باتیں کررہے ہیں اس نے کہا کہ باتیں کرتے ہیں تو کرنے دو تم میرے ساتھ نہ ہوئے تو میں بھی واک نہیں کرسکوں گی میری روٹین خراب نہ کرو اس دن میں نے دل میں ”کچھ اور ہی“ سوچ لیا اور اس سے کہا کہ کل اتوار ہے اور دفتر سے چھٹی ہے کیوں نہ کہیں آﺅٹنگ پر چلیں اس نے فوراً حامی بھر لی میں اگلے دن صبح دس بجے کے قریب اس کے ہاسٹل چلا گیا اور اس کو گاڑی میں بٹھا کر سیدھا واہگہ بارڈر چلا گیا جہاں پر ٹورازم ڈیپارٹمنٹ کا ہوٹل بنا ہوا ہے اس کا مینجر میرا دوست ہے میں نے راستے سے اس کو فون کیا کہ میں آرہا ہوں اور میرے ساتھ دفتر کی ایک کولیگ ہیں جنہوں نے شام کو فلیگ سرمنی دیکھنی ہے شام تک کمرا چاہئے اس نے کہا کہ آجائیں ہوٹل پہنچ کر ناشتہ کیا تو میں نے اٹھ کر کمرے کا دروازہ اندر سے بند کیا اور شہزادی صاحبہ کو آکر پکڑ لیااور ان کو کسنگ شروع کردی شہزادی صاحبہ نے مجھے ہاتھ سے ہٹا دیا اور کہا کہ کیا کررہے ہیں یہ کوئی اچھی بات ہے میں نے کہا کہ کچھ نہیں ہوتا تو کہنے لگی کہ یہ سب ناجائز ہے اسلام اس کی اجازت نہیں دیتا مجھے بہت غصہ آیا میں نے اس کو زور زور سے دو تھپڑ رسید کردئےے اور کہا کہ روزانہ میرے ساتھ پارک میں واک کے لئے جاتی ہو وہ سب کچھ جائز ہے یہاں میرے ساتھ ایک کمرے میں ٹھہری ہو یہ سب کچھ جائز ہے روتے کہنے لگی کچھ بھی ہومیں یہ کام نہیں کروں گی میں نے کہا کہ اگر وہ یہ سب کچھ نہیں کرسکتی تو فوری طورپر یہاںسے چلی جائے میں اس کو واپس بھی نہیں لے جاسکتا یہ کہہ کر میں کمرے سے باہر نکل آیا اور مینجر سے اخبار لے کر دوبارہ کمرے میں آکر پڑھنے لگا پندرہ منٹ کے بعد شہزادی صاحبہ جو صوفے پر بیٹھی تھیں بیڈ پر میرے ساتھ آکر بیٹھ گئیں اور کہنے لگی اور کچھ نہیں مجھے صرف شرم آتی ہے یہ سن کر میں نے اس کو کہا کہ تم آنکھیں بند کرلو شرم نہیں آئے گی تو کہنے لگی کہ صرف کسنگ ہی کرنی ہے اس سے آگے کچھ بھی نہیں میں نے موقع کو غنیمت جانا اور کہا کہ میں نے اس کے ساتھ دوستی صرف اس کے مموں کی وجہ سے کی ہے یہ مجھے بہت پسند ہیں میں ان کو بھی دیکھنا چاہتا ہوں تو کہنے لگی کہ ٹھیک ہے مگر اس سے آگے کچھ نہیںمیں نے فوراً حامی بھر لی اور فوری طورپر اس کا حجاب اتارا اور اس کو کسنگ شروع کردی اس دوران پہلے تو وہ پتھر بنی رہی مگر تھوڑی دیر بعد میرا ساتھ دینے لگی دس پندرہ منٹ بعد میں نے اس کی قمیص اتاری تو کہنے لگی کمبل اوپر اوڑھ لو میں نے کمبل اوڑھ لیا اور اس کا بریزئیر بھی اتار دیا اور اس کے مموں کو چوسنا شروع کردیا اس دوران وہ کافی ہاٹ ہوگئی اور منہ سے اف ف ف ف ‘ام م م م م م ‘ س س س س س س کی آوازیں نکالنے لگی میں نے اس کی شلوار اتارنی چاہی تو اس نے پھر سے منع کردیا میں نے اس کو کہا کہ بہتر ہے آج مجھے منع نہ کرو میں نہیں چاہتا کہ تم سے زبر دستی کروں مگر تم نے مزاحمت کی تو میں زبردستی کروں گا اور یہ کام پھر بھی ہوجائے گا یہ بات سن کر اس نے مزاحمت ترک کردی اور میں نے اس کی شلوار اتار دی اس کے بعد میں نے کمبل بھی اوپر سے اتار دیا اس کے ممے بھی کیا ممے تھے میں اپنے ہاتھ اس کے جسم پر پھیر رہا تھا اور ساتھ ساتھ اس کے جسم کو بھی دیکھ رہا تھا وہ آہستہ آہستہ مچل رہی تھی اور میں اس کے جسم کو بغور دیکھ رہا تھا اس کے جسم پر دو جگہ تل تھے ایک دونوں مموں کے درمیان اور ایک پیٹ میں ناف کے قریب‘ اس نے ایک دو دن پہلے ہی ستر کے بال صاف کئے تھے چند منٹ میں ہی شہزادی صاحبہ آﺅٹ آف کنٹرول ہوگئیں اور مجھ کو پکڑ کر اپنے ساتھ لگا لیا اور کہنے لگی شاکر کچھ کرو میں آج مر جاﺅں گی میں نے دوبارہ اس کی کسنگ شروع کردی اور اس کو مزید تڑپانے لگا وہ جنسی بلیوں کی طرح مجھے کاٹنے لگی میں نے اب اس کو زیادہ تڑپانا مناسب نہ سمجھا اوراپنے کپڑے اتار دیئے وہ میرا 8 انچ سے بھی بڑاہتھیار دیکھ کر اس نے اپنے منہ پر ہاتھ رکھ لیااور کہنے لگی شاکر یہ کیا کرنے لگے ہو تو میں نے اس کے منہ پر ہاتھ رکھ کر اسے خاموش رہنے کی ہدایت کی میں نے اس کی کمر کے نیچے تکیہ رکھا اور ٹانگیں اوپر اٹھاکر اپنے کندھوں پر رکھ دیں اور اپنا ہتھیاراس کی چوت پر رکھ کراس کے ہونٹوں پر اپنے ہونٹ رکھے اور ایک زور دار جھٹکے سے اس کو سارا کا سارا اس کی چوت میں دھکیل دیا اس کی چیخ میرے منہ میں ہی دب کر رہ گئی وہ مجھے دونوں ہاتھوں سے پیچھے دھکیلنے کی کوشش کررہی تھی مگر کامیاب نہ ہوسکی میں اس کے اوپر ہی لیٹا رہا تھوڑی دیر بعد اس کی مزاحمت کم ہوئی تو میں نے اس کے منہ سے اپنا منہ پیچھے کیا اور اس کو کہا کہ کیا ہوا ہے تو کہنے لگی شاکر تم نے تو مجھے مار ہی ڈالا ہے اس کو فوری طورپر باہر نکالو میں نے کہا کہ اب تم کو تکلیف نہیں بلکہ مزہ آئے گا کہنے لگی مجھے ایسامزہ نہیں چاہئے تم اس کو باہر نکالو اس دوران وہ میرے نیچے سے نکلنے کی کوشش بھی کرتی رہی مگر کامیاب نہ ہوسکی اب میں نے اپنے لن کو آہستہ آہستہ سے اندر باہر کرنا شروع کیا تو اس کو بھی مزا آنے لگا ابھی پانچ منٹ بھی نہیں گزرے تھے کہ وہ فارغ ہوگئی مگر میں ابھی تک فارغ نہیں ہوا تھا اب اس کی چوت کافی گیلی ہوگئی تھی اور مجھے اس کو چودنے میں مزہ نہیں آرہا تھا اس لئے میں نے اپنا لن اس کی چوت سے باہر نکالا اور اس کی چوت بیڈ شیٹ سے صاف کی بیڈ شیٹ پر خون اور منی کے دھبے پڑ گئے تھے بیڈ شیٹ پر خون کے دھبے دیکھ کر وہ رونے لگی میں نے اس کو سمجھایا کہ پہلی بار ہر لڑکی کے ساتھ ایسا ہی ہوتا ہے تو وہ چپ ہوگئی گئی اس کے بار میں نے اس کو پھر سے چودنا شروع کردیا اب وہ پوری طرح میرا ساتھ دے رہی تھی اور جب بھی میں گھسا لگاتا وہ نیچے سے اچھل اچھل کر میرا ساتھ دیتی بیس منٹ کی چدائی کے بعد میں فارغ ہوگیا اور ساری منی اس کی چوت میں ہی چھوڑ دی اب وہ نڈھال ہوکر میرے ساتھ لپٹ گئی اس دوران وہ میرے لن کو مسلسل سہلاتی رہی کچھ ہی دیر کے بعد میں دوبارہ تیار ہوگیا میں نے اس کو کہا کہ ایک بار پھر سے یہ کام کرنا ہے تو اس نے انکار کردیا میں نے اسرار کیا تو وہ تیار ہوگئی اور کہنے لگی کہ آج میں اس کام کی انتہا کو پہنچناچاہتی ہوں میں نے اس کی چوت پر اپنا لن رکھا تو چیخنے لگی کہ اب فوری طورپر لن چوت کے اندر ڈال دو میں نے ایسا ہی کیا اور تقریباً پندرہ منٹ تک اس کی چدائی کرتا رہا اب کی بار پھرمیں اس کی چوت میں ہی چھوٹ گیا اور اس کے اوپر ہی لیٹ گیا وہ بھی مکمل طورپر نڈھال ہوچکی تھی کچھ دیر ایسے ہی لیٹے رہنے کے بعد اس نے باتیں شروع کردیں اور کہنے لگی کہ اگر یہ بات میرے گھر والوں کو پتا چل گیا تو وہ مجھے جان سے مار دیں گے اس نے بتایا کہ اس کے گھر والوں نے فیصل آباد کے ایک وکیل کے ساتھ اس کی زبردستی منگنی کردی ہے اس نے بتایا کہ اس کی چار بہنیں ہیں جن میں سے دو بڑی بہنوں کی شادی ہوچکی ہے جبکہ دو اس سے چھوٹی ہیں جبکہ تین بھائی ہیں اس کا باپ ابھی تک اس کی والدہ کے کردار پر شک کرتا ہے اور اکثر اوقات اس کو مارتا پیٹتا بھی ہے مگر وہ اپنے باپ کے سامنے ایک لفظ بھی نہیں بول سکتی اس نے بتایا کہ اس کا باپ ان کی کسی بھی سہیلی کو گھر نہیں آنے دیتا اور ہی ان کو کسی سہیلی کے گھر میں جانے کی اجازت ہوتی ہے جب میں نے اس سے پوچھا کہ اس کے باپ نے اس کو لاہور میں جاب کرنے کی اجازت کیسے دے دی تو اس نے کہا کہ اس نے اپنی منگنی کے بعد احتجاج کے طورپر زہر کھا لیا تھا گھر والے اسے ہسپتال لے گئے ڈاکٹروں نے اس کی جان بچالی جب تندرست ہوکر گھر گئی تو اس نے گھر والوں سے کہا کہ وہ جاب کرنا چاہتی ہے پہلے انہوں نے انکار کردیا مگر جب میں نے دوبارہ زہر کھانے کی دھمکی دی تو انہوں نے اجازت دے دی اس نے بتایا کہ اس کاباپ اتنا شکی ہے کہ ہر روز ہاسٹل فون کرکے اس کے بارے میں پوچھتا ہے کہ اس کا میل جول کن لڑکیوں کے ساتھ ہے وہ دفتر سے کب آتی ہے اور کب جاتی ہے اس کے بعد ہم دونوں نے اکٹھے غسل کیا اور میں اس کو شام سے پہلے ہی ہاسٹل چھوڑ آیا اس کے بعد میری اس کے ساتھ ہرہفتے چدائی ڈیٹ ہونے لگی اس دوران اس کا حوصلہ کافی حد تک بڑھ گیا ہم دونوں ایک بار مری بھی گئے جہاں میں نے اس کی چدائی کی ویب کیم کے ذریعے فلم بھی بنا لی وہ ابھی تک میرے پاس محفوظ ہے جبکہ اس نے ہاسٹل میں جاکر اپنی ایک دوست جمیلہ جو ایک سرکاری محکمے ہے کو میرے بارے میں بتایا تو اس کو بھی مجھ سے ملنے کا اشتیاق ہوا میں نے اس کی بھی چدائی کی جبکہ چند ماہ کے بعد شہزادی صاحبہ کی شادی ہوگئی شہزادی صاحبہ کی والدہ کے ساتھ بھی مجھے ہم بستری کا موقع ملا اس کی کہانی میں ایک دور روز میں لکھ کر سب کے ساتھ شیئر کروں گا ابھی بھی اس کی ای میلز ‘ ایس ایم ایس اورفون مجھے آتے رہتے ہیں اس کی ای میلز اور ایس ایم ایس کا ایک خزانہ میرے پاس محفوظ ہے اگر کوئی اچھا دوست ملا تو اس کے ساتھ یہ بھی شیئر کرسکتا ہوں یہاں میں ایک بات بتانا بھول گیا کہ شادی سے چند روز پہلے اس نے مجھے بتایا کہ اس کو مینسز نہیں ہوئے جب ڈاکٹر سے رابطہ کیا گیا تو اس نے بتایا کہ وہ حاملہ ہوچکی ہے میں نے اس کو حمل گرانے کا مشورہ دیا مگر وہ نہیں مانی ابھی چند روز قبل اس نے ایک بیٹے کو جنم دیا ہے اس نے بتایا کہ وہ بیٹا میری چدائی کا نتیجہ ہے اس نے مجھے اس کی تصاویر بھی ایم ایم ایس کی ہیں۔
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Mere Junglee sex ki kahani
Ye kahani sachi hai.meri age 34 hai,me Lahore me rehta hun aur mera naam aamir hai or meri girl friend ki age 25 aur uska naam seemi hai wo bhi Lahore me hi rehti hai..hum dono ki mulakat ik resturant me hoi aur humne ik doje se phone number exchange kia. Usko baad hum daily baat karne lagay. Or phone pe hi hum itne frank ho gaye k humne khulay aam sexual batain krne lagay. Me bohat ziada horny aur sex ka shokeen hun. Or mene seemi ko bhi sex k lye mana lia. Phir humne milnay ka program bnaya or mene usay pehle se decided place se pick kia or usay apne friend k khali flat pe le aya. Humne ander jatay hi kissing shoro kr di mene kiss kartay kartay uske mammo ko dabana shoro kr dia kyun k me us wakt mukammal madhosh ho chukka tha or muje usay kiss krne ka bara maza araha tha. Mere kiss karne or mammo ko dabane se seemi bhi maze me a rahi thi. Itni dair me mene uski kameez ko unzip kr dia or phir utar dia. Or usne meri pent ka button khol dia or meri zip khol k mere 7 inch lambay lun ko bahir nikal dia. Mera lun full tight tha wo ghutno k bal baith kar mere lun ko suck krne lagi me maze se pagal hone laga sath sath wo thuk laga kr muth marti or phir suck krne lag jati.15 min tak wo ye karti rahi me chutne wala ho gaya tu mene usay pakar kr utha lia or usay lip kiss krne laga phir mene uske baki kapray bhi utar diye ab wo bilkul nangi thi me uske mammo ko chosne laga phir usay ghori banaya or uski gand or phuddi chatne laga.wo maze se sexy awazain nikalne lagi uski phuddi me se bari meethi smell a rahi thi jo muje or pagal kr rahi thi.phir mene usay seedha lataya or uski phuddi ko chatne laga wo full garam ho chuki thi or muje kahne lagi k meri phuddi ko apni zaban se fuck karo mene uski baat pe amal kia or zor zor se uski raseeli phuddi ko zaban fuck karane laga wo maze se kehne lagi k meri phuddi ka sara rus pee jao. Phir mene uske phuddi k danne ko suck karma shoro kar dia or sath sath uski phuddi me apni 2 unglian dal k usay fuck krne laga. Uff bare maze ki juicy n smelly phuddy thi mera tu kha janay ka dill kar raha tha. Wo mere mouh me hi farigh ho gai or me uski sari mani chaat gaya. Ab me late gaya tu wo dobara se mere lun ko choosne lagi or sath sath muth marne lagi mera lun or tight ho gaya usne mere chado me papian ki or mere tatay choosne lagi aaahh oii kya maza tha wo mere lun k cap ko danto se scratch krti phir pora lun moun main le jati or bahir nikalte wakt zor se mouh band kr leti kabhi pora tata mouh me dal leti or sath zor se thok laga k muth marti. Ab mera dil uski phuddi marne ko betab ho raha tha so mene usay lataya or uski tangain utha kr apna lun uski phudi pe ragra or uske danne pe zor zor se mara tu wo kehne lagi jaldi muje chodo janu. Me ne lun uski phuddi k sorakh pr rakh kr zor laga or ahista se andar karne laga bari tight phuddi thi muje bara maza a raha tha usay chodne ka wo b maze se awaze nikal rahi thi or apni kamar uchaal uchaal kr mera pora lun apni phuddi me le rahi thi or kehne lagi chodo muje meri phuddi ki sari aag bhuja do tu mene kaha maze se chuwao na jani 15 min isi tarah krne k baad mene usay ghori bana kr chodne laga uski kamar pakar kr me zor zor se apne lun ti taraf khenchta usne peche murr kr muje dekha or kehne lagi janu tumse chudwane ka bara maza a raha hai or zor se chodo na janu or me zor zor se usay chodne laga or wo chuut gai tu mene lun bahir nikal k uske mouh me de dia or wo chosne lagi phir me chuutne laga tu lun bahir nikal k sari mani uske mouh or mammo par gira di or baki ko usne mere lun se choos kr saaf kar dia.
Ab hum hr week me 2,3 dafa sex krtay hain seemi ne ye baat apni dost ko bhi batai tu wo bari excited hoi. Phir humne socha q na hum usko bhi sath mila kr sex karay is tarah ik din wo apni dost ko bhi sath lai or hum teeno ne mil kr bara maza kia or mene un dono ki phuddi mari. Pehle mene or seemi ne mil kr farri(seemi ki dost) k mammay chosay ik usne mouh me dala ik mene or ik hath se seemi sath sath uske phuddi k danne ko ragrne lagi or mene mamma choste hoe uski phuddi 2 unglion se marne laga.phir mene or seemi ne bari bari uski phuddi chaati or usko khob maza dia. Jab me farri ki phuddi mar raha that u seemi ne uske mammay chose or uske danny ko raghra phir wo bhi seemi k mammay chosne lagi or uski phuddi me fingering krne lagi ye sab krtay hoye wo mujh se chodwa b rahi thi. Bad me mene seemi ko bhi isi tarah choda. Jab seemi mere oper baith kr chudwa rahi thi tu farri kabhi seemi k mammay chosti or kabhi mere tattoo ko chosti. Ab tu farri hr wakt hamare sath sex krne ko betaab rehti hai or seemi bhi aksar usay sath le ati hai. Hume is terah sex ka ziada maza ata hai.
Is lia pyari larkio agar koi mera or seemi k sath sex krna chahti hai tu hum se rabta kare hum usko khob maza dain ge. Or agar koi larki apne kanware pan ko khona nai chahti or maza lena chahti hai tu hum uski bhi madaad kare gain or ye guarantee hai k usay lun se fuck nai kia jae ga. Or ye sab secret rakha jae ga.if any one agree then contact damvampire@hotmail.com
Biwi ki behan ko choda
When I saw my wife's sister first time, she was in her school uniform. Ritha was taller for her age but the most prominent thing was her hips. Her buttocks were bulging like two foot balls glued together. She was at tenth grade at that time. I was horny about my sis in law from the first sight. Ritha worn loose dresses at home which revealed lot of her body. Many times I couldn't help staring to her hour glass shaped body. It was only after five years of marriage I could put my hand on Ritha's body. It was a family function and my wife could not attend it due to her bad health. I grabbed Ritha's thin waste when I got a chance. Later we chatted a lot on internet and I was able to express my wish to have a sexual relationship with her.
First she was reluctant to cheat her sister, but I was able to convince later. Then also we did not get a place or opportunity to fuck. Then she got admission to post graduate course in physics in a distant town and before she left she promised to make the things work as soon as she join the college. Ritha telephoned me from her new place when she had settled. She was staying at a hostel. I reached the place in two days and met her in the hostel. She had told the warden that her big brother has reached for an official trip and therefore she will have to stay with me for a week. When she packed her bag I reminded her to take the school uniform she had brought from home. We reached in the hotel I stay at 5.15 p.m. As soon as we entered the room Ritha asked why I insisted on bringing the uniform from home. "I will answer you while we eat some ice cream at the restaurant."While we were eating ice cream I told her about the fantasies I have. It was about fucking my sister in law in school uniform.
I also hinted about my desire to explore her lovely ass. Ritha was exited to hear about this. She suggested that we would make real each fantasy real during coming days. It was day 1 evening Ritha came after college, she had a shower and she changed to her good old school uniform. I felt an instantaneous hard on when I saw her in my favorite fantasy. I stared her for sometime. She had out grown the old garments. Skirt has become short revealing those lovely pair of thighs. Also shirt was tight and her small breasts were struggling to free from that. I could see her brassiere through the shirt, which provoked me further. She had not forgot to wear tie as well as a belt, which were elements of school uniform. After I enjoyed much of the front-view I moved to her back and looked at her beautiful hips. Her ass was popping out more than usual due to the tight skirt and belt.
I could not help approaching her and embarrassing from back. Caressing her small boobs I told her that I had never expected this would happen. She replied "I knew someday this would happen How. "You were always staring on my ass and I felt a burning sensation in my asshole which tempted me to yield. " My prick, which now fully erected was pressing just bellow her buttocks since she was as tall as I was. I kissed on her lips and put my tongue into her mouth. Her great pink tongue plunged deep into my catching hold of my tongue. She closed her eyes and called my name. I felt my rod would explode in the softness of Ritha's ass. She rubbed her ass buns against my stiff cock. Same time I lifted her short skirt and caressed on those lovely thighs.
Then I removed her tie, belt and unbuttoned the white shirt. Her small breasts were firmly packed in 32" white brassier. I wrapped those tits over brassier cups with my palm. I couldn't help kissing on bra straps running over her soft back and cutting into her flesh. Her breathing became heavy and she knew this man is going to do wonderfully naughty things to her body. Sony is going to penetrate where no one has dared to go and he is going to make Ritha scream with intense pleasure and lust. Ritha began to scratch her nails into tissue of my hairy chest.
This excited me and I kissed over the fabric and then unhooked the bra. For the first time Ritha was revealing her tits in front of a man.. The feeling of my lips wrapping around her hard nipple send shivers throughout Ritha's body. As my lips move down from my breasts to belly, I caressed her smooth thighs and pressed my mouth on her naval. Soon I unhooked her skirt and it fell down around her feet. Ritha was now in pink panties with her ass standing out remarkably. I kissed on both of her buttocks alternatively. The n Ritha turned 180 degree and her vaginal mount was projecting profusely, only millimeters away from my face. I stared on that and pressed my lips to it. Aha! The smell was so good.. My hands finally stopped over Ritha's vaginal mount. My palm pressed through the silkiness of her panty and found it wet. I inserted my hands in the waistband of her panty and pulled down it slowly to reveal one of the best hairy cunts I had ever seen. Her pubic area was lengthy and covered with thin hairs.
I said, " I knew that your cunt is not bald."How did you know?"Ritha, one day I inspected your panty you had put for drying and I found few thin pussy hairs on it"Do you love seeing ladies panties?"Certainly! That day I smelled your panty and masturbated"Have you smelled any other girl's underwear?" A lot. On every chance I did! Actually I Had stolen many of these including my cousin sister's as I love the feminine smell and therefore used ones are best."Oh! Panty thief! Saying this Ritha rubbed the panties just removed from her body on my face. I inhaled deeply so that I can enjoy the smell of the little cloth that was covered her cunt and ass.. Suddenly Ritha felt honey oozing from her cunt. In the room Ritha laid across the bed with her legs spread and her pussy winking at me as she continued to rub and play with it ever so often letting her finger dip into her cunt and letting out a little moan as she hit her G spot ether on the in or out stroke. I dropped my robe and joined her on the bed, my cock by now was at the point of no return and there was a little dollop of pre-cum glowing on the tip.
She looked at my cock and quickly took it between her lips and slurped the droplet with her tongue and made a face while saying how good it tasted. I made a dive for her cunt and buried my face in her pussy until I thought Ritha was going to take my entire head into her slit which was moist an very t asty as I grabbed her cliat between my teeth and nibbled gently as she arched her back and let out a scream as my mouth was filled with her cunt juice as she came like a waterfall. "Oh shit!! Put your cock in me now, I need to feel it , I need fucked and fucked hard." I of course was ready to respond and I slowly entered Her juicy cunt with just the tip of my cock slowly until just the head was buried up to the ridge. Oh, it was tight unlike her sister's which I enjoy daily but our love-juices lubricated it."Oh you panty thief" she moaned "give me the whole thing I want to feel you hit bottom."
She cried in pain and pleasure. I slowly drew my cock out until I felt the lips of her cunt start to grip the end of my cock, then I pushed it back in till I felt the same lips grip the ridge of my cock. "Please don't tease me" Ritha said almost crying in ecstasy, "Put your cock the whole way in."I continued to do the slow fuck with just the head of my cock until I felt her st art to cum, then I plunged the entire length of my cock in to her super hot pussy, as I did several things happened, she came and it felt as though I had put my cock into a vice as she clamped down hard with her pussy muscles. I continued to pump her and noticed something real strange. Her cunt seemed to get deeper and tighter, then I realized that I had entered her uterus and was for the first time having a true deep fuck, something that I had only read about. Ritha continued to moan and thrust her hips as I pumped her twat in a slow steady movement. "Don't cum inside me" she squealed
"I want to taste it, cum in my mouth, pleasssee. "I didn't know if I could hold it long enough to get out of her cunt and into her mouth, but I was going to try. I slowly exited her cunt and rolled on my back, beside her on the bed, my cock was pointing toward the roof and I felt that if a fly flew past I would shoot cum to the moon. I raised to my knees and let my balls rest between h er tits and the head of my cock brushed her waiting lips which opened to receive my swollen cock. She raised her head and took my cock into her mouth and applied suction to it an I felt her throat start to give the head that swallowing feeling, she was deep-throating my cock, granted it's not that long but by now her nose was buried in my pubic hair and my cock was down her throat, and she continued to suck for all she was worth. I felt as though my balls were going to blow-up. I told her that I was going to cum, and she only sucked harder and faster.
When I did let go I thought that that I would never stop I came like I never have before I shot and shot until I noticed cum seeping out the corners of her mouth and running down on to my balls. She never missed a drop and still swallowed greedily until I stopped coming and let out a sigh of pleasure. She rose to one elbow and let my cock slip out from between her lips. As she did a drop of cum glistened on her lips and fell to my stomach, which she quickly licked up. As I laid there spent, she showed that this was going to be a long afternoon. Before I knew it she was busily licking my cock and balls clean of every drop of cum in sight. She laid back an looked me in the eye and said "Damn that was good, but we're not done yet, unless you want to stop" What could I say "No I can last as long as you can but it will take me slightly longer to come back. "
"No problem I can amuse myself and you too" she smiled and I wondered just what the fuck she had in mind. We laid there for several minutes and I was just enjoying the after glow of good sex, when I felt her moving on the bed and then I felt her hair brushing my leg as she dropped between my legs and started to lick my balls and push my sack in and out with her tongue, as she did this she pushed my legs Back and her tongue dropped to my ass hole and I felt her tongue toying with my sphincter as she tried to push the tip in."Your sister never sucks me.""Oh! I never had a woman tongue my ass before" I moaned as she continued to tongue fuck my ass hole. She looked up at me and suggested that we take a shower to recharge our batteries an so she could show me something else that she liked. We got up and walked toward the bathroom I looked at her and said, "I have to use the facilities first""You going to piss?" Ritha asked in a strange sort of way.
Yea,Why" I replied "Don't just hold it until we're in the shower I love to see a man taking a piss" she replied. "Ok" I replied what ever turns you on. Ritha fussed with the water controls as I sat on the toilet and looked at her cunt and ass hole winking at me. "Ah, just right" she cooed and stepped into the tub,"Come on in and join me. " I stepped into the shower and felt the warm water splash over my chest and run down my cock and balls, "Boy, that almost feels as good as sex, " I laughed and reached for the soap and was stopped in mid reach by Ritha as she said "Let me" and took the soap and worked a lather between her hands and started to soap up my chest and then started to work lower, by now I had a combination piss and sex hard-on and Ritha was soaping it up for all she was worth.
"I got to piss, " I said through half open lips as she continued to rub and lather my cock and balls. "Ok, " Ritha said, "let it go, i'll aim. " She giggled as she took a firm hold of my cock and I felt the piss start to flow from my bladder. Suddenly Ritha dropped to her knees in front of me and directed the golden stream over her tits and onto her face and open mouth, letting the piss fill up her mouth and run down her chin and on to her tits. She then squeezed my cock and cut of the stream, now you all know what that feels like I thought that I was going to explode."Ritha, Holy Hell that feels like I'm going to explode. " She didn't say a word, she just squatted in such a way t hat her cunt was pointing toward me an she let go of the pressure on my cock and the piss started to flow right on and into her cunt hole and pussy hair. I don't think I have ever taken a longer piss but the longer I pissed the more she moaned and seemed to cum over and over again. When it slowed to a dribble she took my cock into her mouth and swallowed the last drops of piss that flowed from my bladder. "I love golden showers almost as much as I love to fuck" Ritha said in an almost apologetic sounding voice. "Hey, like I said what ever turns you on. "
"Have you ever seen a pussy pissing?" she asked."No, why?" I asked in a questioning sort of way. "Well I gotta piss and well here it comes" she no sooner finished that statement and I felt a warm stream of fluid hit my leg I looked down and watched as she pulled her pussy open to give me a good look at her pussy pouring piss out in a stream that any man would be proud of. We then soaped each other up and paid close attention to the special parts that we each enjoyed to lather and wash. After letting the hot water run cold we decided it was time to get out of the shower and dry off. I had some of those big fluffy bath sheets and I got two out for us. Ritha took the towel and draped it around her shoulders and too the other one and started to dry me off, as she did she knelt in front of me to dry my legs and took my cock into her mouth and sucked me hard as she dried me off. Thinking turn about was only fair I took her towel and proceeded to dry her off when I got to her tits I took each nipple in turn into my mouth and gave each one a little suck as I dried her stomach and started to go lower toward her pussy.
To dry her legs I knelt at her feet and started to dry the back of her legs as I did I drew her cunt closer to me and plunged my tongue into her waiting hole. She climaxed almost the instant my tongue brushed her clit, and pussy juice flowed into my mouth and dribbled down m y chin. I knelt back down and turned her around to dry her back as I did her ass cheeks brushed my face and I couldn't resist the cheek-to-cheek reference, which was met with a groan. I proceeded to dry her back and legs and as I did I stuck my tongue up her ass hole which caused a wiggle and squeal as I continued to dry her legs and tongue fuck her ass hole.
Next morning I had an official appointment in the morning. Ritha was free as she has no class. I instructed her to shave her whole body and wear micro skirt and T-shirt. But when I came back by noon I found her in the housecoat. When asked she could not shave every as she needs my help to reach some parts. "My razor is on the table top" saying this she lifted her nighty to the waist and kneeled on the bed with her ass high on the air. I was stunned at her guts to expose her ass in front of a man especially her brother in law. For a moment I stared at the crack of buns and small portion of cunt visible. Soon my shock disappeared understanding that her butts are so lovely and that's why she dared to showoff. Her buttocks and asscrack was wheat-colored and fairer than rest of her body. Ritha's asshole was perfectly round and looked like a rose bud. Some thin hairs were there around that hole. Carefully I shaved off those hairs. Then I couldn't help pressing my lips to the thick rim of her back door. Ritha screamed with pleasure when I moistened her forbidden hole with my tongue.
Then I turned her to have a look at shaven cunt. Her sweet cunt was baby-like and a feast for eye. The vaginal area was large and projecting. I bent to lick the shiny pink and red folds of tender skin and lapped the juices already flowing there. Indeed Ritha was delicious. I began to suck at her little clitoris and fuck my tongue around it. Ritha writhed wantonly on the floor, moaning even louder, and pressing my face to her pussy, which contracted violently beneath my tongue probes. Then R itha wanted to suck me. So I stood up. Eagerly she pulled down my jeans and grasped my erect and throbbing member, and kissed it all over from tip to base, massaging my testicles all the while with her hot hands. Ritha sucked tip of my prick, running her lips all around it then circled at the piss hole with her supple tongue. She then slid my cock inch by glistening inch, into her mouth She moaned with excitement for a moment. I began to fuck her mouth slowly while she held her lips tightly around my wet shaft. I didn't want to waste my cum; so I stopped thrusting and asked Ritha to get into fours. When she kneeled with her ass high I kneaded her big buns and caressed the ass crack. Then I began to work on her dark pit. My tongue once again teased the soft muscles of Ritha's sphincter, moistening them and relaxing them with warm saliva. Next I nibbled on the tiny hairs surrounding her anus.
All of a sudden Ritha felt my finger sliding into her puckered pit. It plunged deep and I rotated it to enlarge opening of Ritha's bowels. The lip of asshole was soft and rubber like and now I was sure that I could make a penetration in her rear orifice. After some more rimming, I positioned my cock so it rubbed gently against Ritha's ass cheeks My chest was pressed against her back, spoon- like, and cradled her body against mine. I reached around her to cup her small, almost girlish breasts in my hands, stroking and kneading them and feeling her nipples slowly gain erection. I moved my left hand down to her groin, pressing into the soft vaginal lips and began stroking there too. She responded by pushing her ass back against me, parting her legs in the process.
Then, in her assertive way, she reached between her legs and took my cock in her hand, guiding it to, but not into, her. Still behind her, almost passive, my half-erect cock was between her legs, and she was rubbing it in a slow, circular motion against her clitoris. When I changed my position slightly in an obvious effort to slide myself into her, she pushed the shaft back, then whispered, "Uh-uh. Not there; I want you here, in my ass. " So saying, she placed the head of my cock right in the middle of her anus, then rubbed it back and forth across the diminutive opening.
"Just do it. I want to feel your cock inside my ass, " she said softly. She rubbed the cockhead a few more times against her nether opening. "Mmm, Sony, I want it deep inside my ass" My cock was already so wet from being rubbed between her moist pussy lips that it broke the sphincter plane with surprisingly little effort. She grunted as the cockhead broke the barrier, then hissed between her teeth. "Slowly," she said, "work it in slowly." She shifted her hips slightly to accommodate the unaccustomed presence of something inside her ass. "Am I hurting you?"A little," she replied, punctuated by a gasp of breath. "Oh, it feels so fucking big!" I squeezed her breasts hard, flattening t hem against her chest, as I softly kissed the nape of her neck. "I don't believe how tight you are!""Are you in all the way?" she gasped.
"I feel like i've been split in two!""Just a little more. "I pressed my cock forward, then felt it being tightened like a vice by her sphincter muscle. I seemed to gain ground only by easing back slightly and then pushing forward. She grunted and moaned a few more times before I finally pressed my wiry pubic hairs into her lower ass. "How's that?" I whispered. Finally I plunged my thick and slightly bend organ past her sphincter and Ritha felt joy and pain in her intestines. With one more thrust my brown Indian cock was firmly inside of her and was driving deeper and deeper into the butt. If you like my story, if my story had made u horny n even if Any women like real fun please mail me at
Multan ki larki ko choda
H R U ALL???Mera naam Tahir hai aur main MULTAN Pakistan main rehta hon.
Aaj main ap ko jo kahani sunany ja rha hon wo bilkul sachi hai.
yh baat aj sy 3 sal pehlay k hai jab main 18 sal ka tha.meri cousin ki shadi thi.Jo k humary khandan main sab sy ziada khobsurat thin.sab log apni apni tayariyon main masrof thay.meri aik cousin js ka naam Eman hai,age 20 years.rishtay main wo meri phupho ki beti hai.isi doran usy apny ghar py kam para to us ny mujhy sath chalnay ko kaha.Us k sab ghar waly meray chacha k ghar hi thay aur un ka ghar bilkul akela tha.main us k sath us k ghar chala gaya.Dopehar k 2:30 Bajy thay Sakht garmiyon ka mosam tha.Jab main us k ghar pohancha to us nay mujhay aik room main bithaya jis main A.C laga howa tha.aur wo apny kamray main jatay waqt mujhay yh keh gai k ap yahan bethain mujhay thora kam hai.phir hum wapis chaltay hain.yh kh kar wo chali gai kuch dair bad wo meray liye bottle lay ae jo main ny pi li aur wo phir sy chali gai.
takreban aik ghanta akelay bethnay k baad jab main usy dekhnay k liye bahir nikla aur us k kamray ki taraf gaya.us k kamray k darwaray par jalli si lagi howi thi jis sy andar khara banda nazar a sakta tha aur aus k andar b dawaza tha wo bilkul band tha.jab main ny us ka door knowk kia to koi jawab na aya.jab main ny zor sy knowk kia aur meray musalsal knowk karny k bad us ny sirf andar wala door hi open kia aur jalli wala band rehnay dia.kia dekhta hon k wo baghair kameez aur brazzier pehnay sirf shalwar pehnay khari hai.us k 34 size k boobs dekh kar mera lun full khara ho gaya.to main ny us sy kaha k darwaza kholo.par us ny bari sakhti sy darwaza band kardia. aur andar chali gai.kuch dair baad us ny door open kar dia.to main andar chala gaya us ny kamez pehni hovi thi.churo churo main dil dhak dhak karny laga but himat kar k us ko kis karna chaha.to us ny nakhray kiye bat bad main wo razi ho gai aur main use us k bed per le gaya.aur French kissing start ki.phir main ny us ki kamez utarna chahi to wo kamez ko churany lagi aur nichy karny lagi.phir main ny bari mushkilon sy us ki kamez utari.aur jo boobs jaliyon main sy dhundlay nazar aa rhy thy unhay saf dekha us ka figure 34-26-34 tha.yh mera zindagi ka saab sy pehla chance tha jaab main ny kisi larki ko nanga dekha.is sy pehlay main ny use b is nazar sy nai dekha tha.phiir main ny us k pinkish white boobs aur un ki pink nipple ko kiss kia aur sucking karnay laga.phir jab main ny us ki shlwar utarna chahi to wo rony lag gai.aur main ghabra gaya.but use chup karana laga aur manany laga.na chahty howe bari mushkilon sy kafi manany k baad wo agree ho gai.aur main ny us ki shalwar utar di.phir main ny apny kapray b utar diye. aur mera 8" lamba aur 4"mota lora jab us nay dekha to us ny apni ankhon py hath rakh liya.main ny us ka hath hataya aur use apna lun pakarwaya.to wo sharmaty howe thora muskarai aur lun ko agy pechy karny lagi.aur main use kiss karny laga.thori dair mainwo garam ho gai aur main b garam ho gaya.main ny use tail ka pocha to us ny kha samny table par rakha hai.main ny tail uthaya aur dobara bed py a gya.aur main ny use lun chusny ko kaha to kehny lagi k mujhey vomiting ho jae gi to main ny kha k kuch nai hota use tasalli dilanany k bad us ny mera lun apny mun main liya aur foran nikal diya aur kehni lagi yh bohat bara hai.main ny kha isy lolipop ki tarha chuso aur us ny mera lun mun main liya aur meray lun ko chusny lagi aur meray lun k topy ko chatny lagi is par mujh sy rha nai ja rha tha aur wo b ab tak ziada garam ho chuki thi.main ny usy lita diya aur us ki safiad bina balon k phuddi par tail lagaya aur usy apny lun sy ragarny laga aur wo siskiyan bharny lagi.aur "cccccccccccccc" aaaaahh" jesi awazain nikalny lagi jab main ny us ki phuddi main apna lun ghussana chaha to wo aik dam say uth gai aur kehny lagi nai main ny aaj tak yh kam kisi k sath nai kia main ny suna hai is main bohat dard b hota hai.nai main nai karongi.to main ny foran sy us ko french kiss kia aur aik hath us k bobay pakary aur aik hath ki ungli us ki phuddi par pherny laga.us us ki puddi ka dana ragarny laga.aur usy pagal bana dia.aur wo mera lun cusny lagi aur kehni lagi tum yh baat kisi sy kehna mat k main ny tum sy aisa karwaya hai to main ny kaha theek hai.to us ny mere lun ka topa apni phuddi k sorakh par rakha.to chun k main b aisa pehli bar kar raha tha aur wo b lakin kuch blue films dekh kar andaza tha is liye main ny us ki tangain khol din aur thoda zor laga kar apna lun andar dal dia lakin seel band hone ki waja sy mera pora lun andar nai ja raha tha.2,3 bar aisa karny k bad main ny aik zor dar jhatka laga aur mera lun pora ka pora andar chala gaya aur us ki phuddi sy khon behny laga.aur us k moon sy aik zor dar chekh nikli aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.aur wo behosh ho gai main ny thoda sa pani us k mun par dala aur wo hosh main ai aur main ny phir chodna churu kar dia kuck dair to wo dard sy bahal rahi par thori dair baad usy maza any laga aur wo b jhatky marny lagi phir main ny us ki tangain apni kandhon par rakhin aur zor lagany laga to kamray main "chap chap chap thap thap tak takh" ki awazain any lagin aur us k mun sy
"aah aah oh yah oh yes oh no o tahir mujhy chud do aaj mujhy bohat maza a raha hai aan aaaa aaah jesi awazain any lagi aur main pury zor sy pora lun us ki phuddi main dalny laga main thora pichy hota aur jhatky sy andar kar deta ahista ahista main apni raftar barhata gaya au mera lun tezi andar bahir hony laga aur meray tatay us ki naram-o-mulaim phudi par "chap chap chap chap" ki awaz deny lagy aur us ka mon lal ho gaya yh silsala 12 sy 15 mint jari rha.main us ki nipples thumb aur finger sy masalny laga aur zaban b pherny lga.ab wo waqt aya jab main chutny wala tha to main ny apna lun nikala aur 2 mint bad uski puddi par apni manni chor di aur sara pani nikal gaya.
aur main usy galy mil kar lait gaya aur kissing karny laga.kuck dair bad mera lun phir khara ho gaya.aur dosra round churu ho gya.main ny phir sy us ki tangain apny kandhon par rakhin aur phir sy chodny laga is bar wo b mera sath deny lagi aur kmar utha utha k jhatky marny lagi odhar sy wo jhatka marti aur idhar mainto mera lun full andar tak jany laga.aur wo phir sy aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ccccccccc aaaaaahhhhhhhh ccc o yah o fuck annnnnn annnnn comeon make it fast make it fast ki awain nikalny lagi is par to mera lun aur b mota aur ragar kha k andar jany laga takriban 15 mint k baad wo discharge ho gai aur main nai howa apna sakon ly kar wo mujhy ziada sakon dena chati thi aur bary style sy chudwany lagi.aur main b discharge hony wala tha k main ny apna lun nikala aur us k mun main rakh dia aur wo chusny lagi jesy hi wo meray topy par zuban pherny lagi main aik dam sy us k mun main hi chut para pehly to wo bohat naraz hoi but usy mera salty taste acha lagny laga aur us ny manni ka maza ly k thok dia aur mera lun chusny lagiaur saf kar dia .ab tak main b fresh ho chuka tha aur wo b.phir hum dono thori dair lyty rahy aur main us k boobs ka maza lyty hovy kehny laga.k kia tmhain maza aya tou us ny kha han lakin apka lun bohat bara hai.aur mujhy andar tak phar dia is ny.main ny kha k tmhari phuddi b koi kam nai.bilkul tight hai.to wo hans pari.main ny kha k anusha b bari sexy hai..ansha wohi hai jis ki shadi hony wali hai.to us ny kha waqihi is main ko shaq nai.main ny kaha k us ka hasband us sy bohat maza lyga sach main wo kapas ka gola hai.phir main ny us sy kaha k tum jo kam karny ai thi wo kar lia to wo boli haan.main ny kaha k ab jaldi sy tum naha lo phir hum wapis chalty hain nain to un ko shaq ho jaega to wo nahany chali gai aur main b us k pichy chala gaya to wo kehny lagi k kia ap b meray sath nahaingy to main ny kaha han.to us ny shawar chalaya aur us k jism par sabun malny laga kabi us k boobs malta to kabhi us ki back.aur wo b meray jism par malny lagi aur meray lun py b malny lagi.phir hum ny kapry pehny aur wapis chaly gay saab log apny kamon main is tarha masrof thay k unhain humary jany aur any ka ehsas hi na howa.is tarha main ny zindagi main sab sy pehly kisi larki ko choda.
Johnny Ke sex ki kahani
Hi! I m Johnny. Ye ek real story hai jo k meri or mere dosto ki apni GFs k saath hai. Umeed hai apko ye kahani pasand ae gi.Muje ap k comments ka intazar rahay ga. Ap ne meri kahani ka part 1 parha. Muje e-mail zaroor kijiye ga. Mera e-mail ID hai (johnny_raazi@hotmail.com) Me apko apnay further experiences b doo ga. Itna me bta do k me es kahani k charaters k names change ker chukka hoo. Or ye meri apni story hai. Ab me apni story ki taraf ata hoo.
ye kahani aj se 4 saal pehle ki hai or ye mera or mere dosto ka 2nd sex experience tha. Us wakt hami ages 21-23 saal theen or Masters ker rahay thay. Me Johnny height 5’10” or mera penis 10’ lamba or 3” mota hay. Mera dost Aneel height 5’6”(penis7’ 3”), Raazi height 5’9”(penis 8’ 2”),Shaani height 5’10”(penis 10’2”), Sabeen Height 5’6” figure(34-22-32), Fari height 5’4”(34-24-36), Maham height 5’3” (36-22-34), Hina height 5’5” (32-26-34).
Apko pata hai k Ham sub ka ta’aluk Karachi se hai. Or hum log flats me university k near rehtay thay. Jo k mere father ne liye thay. 1 flat me girls or 1 me hum dost. Humaray parents bohts close thay es liye unhone hamari asani k liye hamain ye flats diye thay. Hum weekend pe ghar jatay or pher wapis flats pe a jatay. Hamaray smester exams kareeb ae to hunm logo ne ghar na janay ka faisla kia. Or ikathay baith k parhtay thay.
Pehla paper Monday ko hua tha or her paper k baad 2 chutiyan theen. Hum ne apni Gf’s ki choot to mar li thi. Or ab 2nd paper k baad hamara irada un sub ki gand b marne ka tha.
Ham log ikathay parh rahay thay 3rd paper ki tayyari k lie. K achanak hum ne 1 game khailnay ka faisla kia. Wo game kuch aisay thi k girlz ne hum sub se four four Q’s karne thay or hr correct ans pe un logo ko apna dress remove karna tha. Jub k wrong ans pe unho ne apna dress pehn’na tha. Ye game waise he hai jaise strip games hoti hain.
Me ne sub ko games k rule samjha diye. Or waise b girls hum se kafi khul chuki theen. Or sharmati nai thee pehli dafa ki tarah. Ek baat or jo me btana bhol gya k hum friends drinking, cigrete etc nai kartay.
Hina: “Theek hai! Jaldi game start karo raat k 11 to ho rahay hain.”
Raazi: “Sabar to karo Sweet heart! Hum log tum se ziada jaldi ma hain.”
Es pe Hina Sharma k chup ho gai. Phir game start hua or hamari Gf’s ne hum se Q’s poochne start kie. Hum sub dost dinning haal me chairs le k baith gae. Hum sub ne pehle Q ka ans theek dia. Unho ne apni Qameez utar di. Sabeen ne red colour k dress k neechay red bra or penti pehn rakhi thi. Fari ne off white suit k neechay skin colour ki or Hina ne blue suit k neechay or Maham ne white suit k neechay white bar or penti pehn rakhay thay. Dosra Q ka ans b sub ne theek dia. Or hamari Gf’s ko ani shalwar utharni pari. Ab wo log sirf bra or penties me thay jb k hmara khud pe control mushkil ho raha tha. 3rd Q ka ans me ne galat de die to Sabeen ne shalwar pehn li. Muje khud pe bohot gussa aya. Khair baki sb girls ab sirf penties me thee. 4th Q ka ans Raazi ne galat dia to Hina ne apni white bra pehn li. Ab Maheen b sirf red bra or penti me thee. Ab Fari Shaani ki god me chali gai or Fari Aneel ki god me chali gai or wo log hamari game khatam hone ka intazar karne lagay. 5th or 6th Q’s k ans hum ne theek day diye or wo dono nangi ho k hamari goud me baith gai. Ab asal game start karna thee.
Me Maheen ko kis karne laga. Aneel ne fari ko, Raazi ne Hina ko or Shaani ne Maham ko chumna shuru kar diya. Hum logo ne almost 10 min tak french kissing ki. Hamain bara maza aa raha tha. Humain josh ane laga or hum sub ne apne kapray utar die or un ko dinning table pe lita k un k tangain upper utha k un ki choot ko choomna shuru ker dia. Q k un sub ki chikni clean shaved chootain daikh k es baar hamara dil b machal gya. Ye hum sub ka pehli dafa tha es lie shuru me kuch ajeeb laga pher maza ane laga. Un sb k mounh se oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh……… aahhhhhhhhh…. Ssssshhhhhhhhhh…………… orrrr…………. Karo…………… pppplllllllllllllllllzzzzzzz………. Ab nai bardasht ho raha………………..sssssssss ki awazain nikal rahi theen. Thori dair bad hum ne un ko neechay utara or apne lund choosnay ko kaha pehle to un sub ne inkar kia lekin pher maan gaeen. Pehle hamaray lund k top ko choosa or pher ahista ahista poora lund mounh me lene ki koshish karne lagee or hum maze se behaal hone lagay. Khair hum un ko wahan se le ker drawing room me a gae or un sub ko zameen pe lita k un ki tango k neechay 1 1 pilow rakh dia. Es se un ki choot upper ho gae. Pher hum sub apni Gf’s k boobs ko suck karne lagay or sath he hum ne apne lund un ki boor me dalne shuru ker die. Un sub ko dard to ho raha tha lekin pichle dafa ki tarah nai. Es baar wo sub kafi relax then or enjoy ker rahi theen. Poora lund ander jane k bad hum ne jhatkay dene start kie or ahista ahista apni speed taiz karte gae. Un k mouh se oooooooooo………. aaaaaaaa……………. sssssssseee………. jaaaaaaannnn……….. or taiz……………….. or taizzzzzzzzzzzz………………… uuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…… bohhhhhhhhot………… maaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzza…….aaaa……. raha………. Hai………. nikal raha tha. Jo k hamain or ziada josh dila raha tha. 5 min baad hum ne positions change ker lee or un ko doggie style me ker dia. Kamray me dhap dhap ki awazain gunj rai theen sath he Sabeen, Hina, Fari or Maham ki oooooooooooooooo……………… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……………… or taiz………………….. booooooooohhhhhhhhhoot maaaaaaaaaaaaza aa rahaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaay………uuuuuuuuuuffffffffffff……………… haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………………. aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiisssssssaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy hhhheeeee jjjjaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuu……………… ki awazain hamain or josh dila rahi thee. 10 min aise hi chudai karne k baad hum logo ne un ki gand marne ka faisla kia.
Hum ne apne lund un ki boor se bahar nikal lie to wo peechay mur k hamain daikhne lageen. Wo sub 2 bar jhar chuki then magr hamari pyaas abhi baaki thee. Hum ne un se kaha k ab hum aap logo ki gand marain gay to wo bohot dar gaeen or hamain mana karne lageen lekin hum ne kaha k aisa to hum ker k rahain gay. Khair thori behes k baad wo maan gaeen. Hum ne un sub ki gand or apne auzaroo ko oil se chikna kia. Me ne sabeen ko agay ki or jhuka k us ki gand me ungli karna start ker di. Ungli pehle phans k lekin phir aram se andar bahar hone lagee. Es tarah me 2 unglio se us ki gand marne laga or pher 3 unglio se. pher me ne apna lund us ki gand pr rakha or 1 zordar jhatka mara. Mera lund 3’’ tak us ki gand me ghus gia. Wo dard se cheekhne lagee magar me ne us ki perwah na ki or 4-5 zordar dhkay maray or mera 10” ka poora lund us ki gand me chala gya. Wo zor zor se rone lagee or agay bhgne lagee magar me ne apna lund us ki gand se nai nikalne dia wo zameen pe ulti lait chuki thee. Me us ko frech kiss kerne laga or us k boobs ko masalne laga. Ahista ahist us ko sukoon milne laga lekin dard khatam nai hua. Aneel ne apna 7” ka lund ahista ahista Fari ki gand me ghussa dia. Raazi ne apna 8” ka lund Hina ki gand me ahista ahista gum ker dai. Jub k Shaani ne apna 10” ki lund jub zordar jhatko k saath Maham ki gand me dala to wo bohosh ho gai. Jis per hum sub pareshan ho ker uth kharay hue or apne lund un ki gand se bahar nikal lie. Or Maham ko hosh me lanay ki koshish kerne lagay. Khair 10 min baad us ko hosh a gya. Or hum ne apna khail dobara start kia.
Es baar hum ne ahista ahista un ki gand me apne lund ghussa diye. Or ahista ahista un ko chodne lagay pehle un ko dard ho raha tha magar pher maza ane laga or un k mounh se ssssssshhhhhhhhhh…… ooooooooo……… aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii…………. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….. ki awazain nikal rahi theen. Jub k hamari speed ahista ahista taiz hoti gai. Me ne Sabeen ki choot me finguring shuru ker di or us k honto ko mounh me le ker choosne laga. Realy muje to bohot maza aya or Sabeen ko b. 25 min gand ki chudai k baad hum sub bari bari jhar gae. Or hum ne un ki gand me hi apna maal chor dia. Or hum log alag ho ker apni saansain theek karne lage. Bed sheet hamari Gf’s ki gand se nikle khoon ki waja se jaga jaga se kharab ho gai thee. Hamari Gf’s theek se chal b nai pa rahee theen. Raazi medical store pe gya or kuch pain killers le aya. Hum ne unhain pani garam kr k bhaap di or pain killers khilain ta k wo relax ho jain.
Ye kahani abhi khatam nai hui hai Q k es k baad b hum ne kai bar un ko choda or ek ek ko charo ne mil ker b choda or kis tarah choda ye next story me btao ga.
Muje apne comments zaroor dijiye ga phir aap ko next story parhnay ko milay gi. Abhi to bohot si stories mere pass hain.
Mera e-mail ID hai:
Mere breast se doodh nikala
Hi readers, my name is ali (offcourse not real name)from lahore.i m 21
years old athletic build.. . It all started when I was in my 2nd year
& was having my – semester exams. It was the last exam & I had 45
days preparatory holiday to prepare for my gate exams . It was evening
and my Mama & Maami (Uncle & Aunty) had just arrived from lahore. Let
me tell you about my aunty. She has the most voluptuous body I have
ever seen. Typical pakistani beauty - had big breasts that seem to
always swell whenever she wore her tight blouses had a very sexy smile
but the best part was her ass.
God I must have dreamt a thousand times of it. .I would always take a
seat behind her whenever we watched T.V. & would pray that someone
would call her so that as soon as she gets up I catch a glimpse of her
wide buttocks with her saree being tucked in her crack & the way she
would innocently pull the piece of her saree with her thumb & index
finger. I would just rush to the bathroom & help myself off dreaming
of it & hoping to actually caress her ass someday. But I simply didn’t
had the guts to do anything more than just watch. My parents who are
both working go to the office in the morning & my Uncle (mama) would
depart for his business work with them only as my dad would drop him
at his workplace. So that left only me & my aunt alone for the rest of
the day. Now I am a late riser & as soon as I wake up I go to the
toilet to pee.
When I have pissed & wash my hands in the washbasin which is just
adjacent to our bathroom I would always hear my aunt’s voice coming
from inside as she usually humms a song or two while bathing. The very
feeling that she is naked inside makes me hard & I jack off. This went
on for 4-5 days till I became bold enough to pierce 5 well concealed
holes in the door so that I could get to watch her body from all
corners. Oh that was the best moment of my life seeing her naked
taking bath & singing. I soon discovered that she had a very hairy
pussy but couldn’t still catch a glimpse of her vagina. It went on for
few days & I had dec ided that I would try to come as close to her as
I can. Instead of myself watching cricket I would watch film songs
etc. So that she too can join me. Slowly I became so open with her
that we would talk about my girlfriends etc. She had always liked me &
always kissed my cheeks since childhood. So now whenever she gave me a
kiss I would instantly return her on her dimpled cheek. The first time
she was taken aback but took it as if I did it just innocently. Soon I
became so bold that I would kiss her every now and then. It was noon
and she was pleading me to let her watch the movie on our cable but I
was watching cricket. I said okay give me 10 kisses & I would. She
agreed, taking it lightly as I always played with her that way. After
she kissed me I started returning it one by one but she was engrossed
in the movie.
I would every now & then inch closer to her lips ,she woul d just
smile & say you naughty boy stop doing it but that made me further
bold & I licked her cheek. She gave a groan & got up to sit on the
other sofa. We exchanged glances & few smiles for the next 20 mins. &
then the kissing scene in the movie came. That made both of us laugh I
got up & sat close to her & this time kissed her on her lips. She said
that save your kisses for future. But who was going to listen I
started flattering her saying that she is still very pretty even after
marriage & still manages to attract glances from men. She just smiled
& I put my hand on her face saying that her skin is very soft &
appreciating her fair complexion I slowly lowered my hand down to her
neck & then as I was moving to touch her cleavage she dragged my hand
off. But I can’t say I was so hot that I just touched her heavy
breasts & said that they are very soft & lovely she didn’t knew what
to say & just was surprised to see me so bold. I kissed her again
caressing her breasts from outside her blouse .She left a groan & that
emboldened me to touch her thighs. As I moved my hands caressing her
silken soft thighs towards her inner thighs she stopped me & said that
it wasn’t good for me to do that. But I was now just out of control &
forced my hands towards her crotch. She said please, don’t proceed but
she being elder to me & more experienced herself knew that I won’t be
able to control myself & she said shiva its all a matter of few
minutes & you might feel guilty later so why not you just go to the
bathroom & “discharge”. I was completely surprised to hear it ,my
aunty telling me to go and masturbate. I found it a good opportunity &
said I could but do it I will have to excite myself so that my penis
is fully erect (though it was already the hardest & longest I had ever
felt before). So I told her please let me see your boobs. She agreed
after much coaxing. As soon as she removed her blouse, her boobs
swelled under her bra & I just grabbed them.
She screamed “nalla pannu” whereas she had repeatedly told me before
not to touch them. Now I started playing with them & started sucking
them one by one . Her hand pulled my head but she was herself hot
enough & I soon realised this as she put my head closer to her left
breast. I started sucking her left boob while caressing her other boob
& pinched her nipples that were erect. She was groaning heavily “isshh
aaaah aaah hmmm nalla…! Aah! .I knowing that she didn’t actually
wanted me to stop, I stopped & looked into her eyes ,they were full of
lust & she without wasting any time hugged me & started kissing me. I
also caressed her back & moved my hands towards her ass. God.. Was it
soft or what .I became so excit ed that I lifted her saree touching
her legs & moving towards her pussy(pundai). She stopped me but I
overpowered her & said it will be fun for both of us & she gave up. I
touched her pundai,It was very hairy she was sought of embarrassed
with my look when I touched her pubic hairs. Since I had never seen a
pussy(pundai) in real before I tried to lifted her saree but she
didn’t allow me to see it. So I had to roam my hands inside to find
the hole. Finding me unable to locate it she took my hand & guided it
their. I pushed my index finger in & it slipped in .It was very wet &
hot inside, she breathed heavily as I worked my finger in & out of her
vagina. I inserted my three fingers & she left out a cry that made me
almost cum in my pants. I stood up & guided her hands towards my penis
but she blushed & turned her head away. She said that she couldn’t so
I rushed to the bathroom & jacke d myself off. When I returned she was
in the kitchen cooking lunch. I went behind her & grabbed her breast
from behind & clinged to her body tightly tightly. My now semi-soft
penis was hard in a flash & was pressing against her crack over her
saree. She was all the time just blushing & stirring the Curry over
the gas. I moved my hands slowly down & sat down on the floor. Then
touching her ankles ,I moved my hands up beneath her saree to wards
her pussy & then lifted her saree to see her ass. It was very big ,the
ass cheeks were very soft ,I pinched one & it became red .It made me
so excited that I started kneading her buttocks. Her pussy was visible
from behind between her legs. It was so wet that I could see drops of
her juice on her pussy hairs .Caressing her inner thighs & buttocks I
moved the thumb of my both hands towards her pussy& slightly parted
the lips. She threw her head up & amp; groaned slightly parting her
legs. I was now fully convinced that she can’t stop me from fucking
So I pulled her from her hand to the bedroom & pushed her on the bed
.She lay there in front of me all fours & breathing heavily. I pulled
her saree off & in my excitement tore open her blouse. She sent a
naughty smile & pulled my head closed to her breasts Repeatedly
murmuring “suck it ,lick it, bite my nipples”. She told me to circle
my tongue on her tits. She was massaging my head vigorously & pooling
me from my hairs to her mouth to kiss me. Then I unzipped my pants &
lowered my Underwear to expose her my nice hard cock & jumped to enter
her. She smilingly said wait. She now made me lie down on the bed &
she stood up . The sight of her breasts bouncing when she stood up
made me very hot. She touched my penis & said so you are a big boy
now. She rubbed it up & down Squee zing it very hard which made few
droplets of pre-cum ooze out on the tip of my penis. She looking me in
my eyes slowly just touched her tongue to my pre-cum & then licked it.
She fondled my balls & squeezed my penis .I told her that I would cum
before I entered her. She said she wanted that I should first cum in
her mouth so that she can make me hard again & then let me fuck her as
that way I would be able to fuck her for long time without cumming
quickly. She licked my balls & with her tip of tongue licked the inner
site of my cock to it tip. Finally she took the cock head in her mouth
& sucked hard making slurping noise .She would take the entire cock
till her throat & bring it out then rub it for few seconds & would
again take it in. She sensing that I was about to cum concentrated
only on sucking .The slurping sound of her made me cum loudly in her
mouth . That day I might have cummed for almost a min ute as if
sending a gallon of cum in her.
She swallowed it in & started licking my cock clean .I was too
exhausted to look at her while she was cleaning me. When I looked at
her I saw a drop or two of my semen dripping down the corner of her
lips. That made my cock spring up .She was surprised & looked at me I
pointed her mouth which she understood & licked her lips of all the
semen in such an erotic way that I soon found myself hard again. I
grabbed her & pushed her on the bed. Parted her legs & guided my now
fully erect cock in her pussy she let out a moan .Slowly & slowly my
entire cock slipped into her wet pussy. I started pumping in & out
She started pushing herself up matching my strokes. It continued for
few minutes until she started screaming out “hmmmmm appadithaaan nalla
pannuda pl make me cummmm…… I beg u”. I obliged her by giving fast
& deep thrusts.Shelet out a scream as she threw herse lf back on the
bed & tried to catch some breath. I too seeing her cum again and fell
on her side of the bed. We both were very exhausted. Espescially me as
I cum in one day what I could cum in a month. She caressed my face &
kissed me. We lay there naked for half an hour & then she stood up to
clear the mess on the bed. She washed the bed sheets & we even had a
bath together. We both soaped each other clean & enjoyed. I afterwards
fucked her many times during her stay but would still never forget
that day. This is a true story & not a fiction if you enjoyed reading
as much as I enjoyed doing then do send me your comments
any girl/aunty in lahore/ can also contact me.privacy will be
maintained.any unsatisfied aunts or widows can mail me to have their
needs fulfilled
Thank you
Kolkata Ki aunty ko choda
Hello everyone, i am deep from Kolkata, my mail id is evilspirit_8319@yahoo.co.in, i am a regular reader of this wonderful site and I would like to share a real experience with all of you. I am writing this truth of my life in hindi so that everyone can understand it.
Mein tabhi 22 saal ka tha jab ye baat mere saath hui. Meine Kolkata ki ek college mese degree khatam ki thi. Aur me mere friend ke sath uske gaon ghumne jaa raha tha. Mere dost ka naam amit tha aur wo doctor ki padhai kar raha tha. wo uske gaon uski maa ko milne aa raha tha aur ek mahine (after one month) baad uski exam chalu hone wali thi iss liye wo gaon jaa kar padhai karne wala tha lekin mein to waha use company dene jaa raha tha. hum log kolkata mein ek society mein rehte the.
Aur ab agle 30 din(Days) meri zindagi ke haseen din hole wale the jo meri life hi badlne wale the. Hun dono dost train se uske gaon pahoche. Mene dekha ki uska gaon bada tha aur uska ghar (home) gaon ke ant (end) me tha uske ghar ke aaspass 2-3 aur makan the lekin usme se sirf ek hi makan me koi rehta tha baki sab makan bandh the. Jab hum log uske makan ke waha pahoche to dekha ki uska ghar bandh tha. Mene apne dost(amit) se puchha ki maa ko bataya tha naa ki hum log aa rahe hai to usne kaha ki nahi mein maa ko surprise dene wala tha. Mene kaha ho gaya ab. Amit ne mujhe kaha ki maa shayad mandir gayi hogi 1/2 ghante me aa jayegi. Tab tak hum log yaha bahar bethte hai. Hum log 2 ghante tak dhupme bethe rahe phir mene kaha ki padosme chabi(keys) ka puchh le unko kuchh pata hoga ki maa kaha gayi hai to amit ne kaha ki nahi wo padosake se wo baat nahi karta.
Lekin mere bahut samajane ke baad wo padoswale se baat karne maan gaya. Ab hum dono padoswale ke waha jane lage amit ne darwaza thoka aur kuchh second baad darwaza khula aur darwaza khulte hi mera muh khulke ke usme paani aane laga.
Darwaza ek 37-40 saal ki aurat(i say aunty) ne khola tha. usne piley rang(colour) ki saare pehni hui the aur blue color ka blouse pehna hua tha. Uske balls(boobs) bahot hi bade the aur uska figure shayad 38-30-32 tha. Gaon ki aurat hone ki wajah se usse shayad saree aur kapde barobar se pehna pata nahi tha. Aunty ne saree is tarike se pehni hui thi ki uske dono bade bade boobs blouse ke saath dikh rahe the aur uska blouse unke boobs ki size se kafi chota aur low cut hone ki wajah se mast cut(cleavage) dikh rahi thi . Jise dekh ke mera lund garam ho gaya tha. Aur me uski cut aur boobs ko hi dekh raha tha. Aur tabhi amit ne aunty se puchha ki -
Amit : Maa ne makan ki chabi(keys) di hai kya ?
Aunty : Nahi
Amit : To maa ne kuch kaha hai kya kabhi aayegi.
Aunty : Ha , maa kal aane wali hai
Aunty : Wo pados ke gaon me uske rishtedar ke waha gayi hai. Tum kab aaye amit. Maa ne to kuch bataya nahi tha ki tum aane wale ho. tum ne maa ko bataya tha naa ki nahi.
Amit : Nahi mene maa ko bataya nahi tha
Aunty : to kuchh baat nahi aaj tum mere ghar pe ajao.
Amit ne meri aur dekha aur mujhse puchha ki kya karne hai.Mene kaha ki aur koi rasta hai kya .
Amit : aunty tikh hai .
Amit : Ye mera dost hai , Kolkata se aaya hai
Aunty ne mujhe smile diya lekin wo smile luck alag kisam ka tha.
Aunty : naam kya hai
Meine kaha Deep.
Aur hum log apne saman lekar aunty ke makaan ke andar jaane lage.
Tabhi mene dekha ki aunty ki gaand mast thi aur wo usse hila hila kar chal rahi thi.
Ghar me jaane ke baad aunty ne hame pani diya aur puchha ki khana khake aye ho kya. Amit ne kaha ki nahi. Aur aunty kitchen me khana banane chali gayi. Hum dono friend bed pe bethe hue the jahase kitchen barobar dikh raha tha aur aunty ki mast gaand bhi. Me to usse hi dekh raha tha aur aunty bhi baar baar mujhe hi dekh rahi thi ki me kya dekh raha hu. Shayad aunty ko pata chal gaya tha ki me uski gaand aur boobs(balls) ko dekh raha hu. Khana khane ke baad hum dono dost bed pe bethe hue the aur aunty chair pe samne bethi hui thi.Aur tabhi
Amit : Me gaon ki library me jaa raha hu padhai ke liye
Aunty : dusre room me betho.
Tabhi meine jaan bhuj kar tv chalu kiya.
Amit : Nahi aunty yaha aawaz hoga me library jaa raha hu.
Aunty :- theek hai. Tum logo ko raat ko bhi yahi sona hai. Tumari maa kal aane wali hai . Raat ka khana bhi me banati hu.
Amit : Theek hai. Lekin me raat ko derse aayunga.
Amit ke jaane ke baad aunty ne ghar(makaan) ke dono darwaje bandh kar diye . Ab ghar me hum sirf do log the me aur aunty. aunty kitchen me gayi aur kuch 5 minute ke baad aa kar mere baaju me bed par beth gayi. Me tv dekh raha tha lekin mera dhyan to aunty ke boobs par hi the. Meine apni life me itne hot aur bade boobs kabhi dekhe nahi the.
Tabhi aunty ne mujse puchha
Aunty : tumara naam kya hai ?
Me(Deep) : Deep
Aunty : Kahake rehne wale ho ?
Me : Kolkata.
Aunty : Karte kya ho ?
Me : Auntijee mene abhi college ki padhai khatam ki hai aur time pass ke liye yaha apne dost amit ke saath aaya hu. apka naam kya hai.
Aunty : Lipika.
Ye baat chalu thi tab tak aunty baar baar apna saree ka palllu nikal kar mujhe apne choochi(boobs) dikha rahi thi. aunty ne bahot hi chhota, tight aur nicha blouse pehna hua tha jisme se mujhe uske bade boobs aur ek badi si cut(cleavage) dikh rahi thi. shayad aunty janbhuj kar aise kar rahi thi aur mujhe seduce karna chahati thi.
Ye dekh kar mera lund garam ho gaya tha aur khada bhi. Mera lund 6 inch ka hai. Aunty ko dekh kar mera pant mein ek tent ban gaya tha aur me usey chhipa neki koshish kar raha tha lekin aunty ne wo dekh liya aur mujhe aur seduce karne ke liye apne boobs ko haath se upper inche karne lagi . ye dekh kar mere lund ka pani niklne laga aur me bathroom me gaya.
Bahar aane par mene aunty se kaha me mujhe nind aa rahi hai aur me bed par so gaya aunty bhi niche zameen par so gayi. Waha bed se ab mujhe uske boobs saaf dikh rahe the aur uska size bhi. Usko dekh kar mene soch ki shayad aunty ko mera lund pasand aaya hai aur wo khudko mere lund se chudwana chahati hai. Mujhe bhi aisee hot,sexy aur garam aunty ko chodna tha. Aur wahi sochte me soo gaya.
Me jab utha tab aunty room mai nahi thi. Mene dusre room me bhi jakey dekha wo waha bhi nahi thi. Jab me kitchen me pahocha to mujhe bathroom ke kuchh aawaz sunai di. Mene bathroom ke darwaze ke paas jakar andar dekhne ki koshish ki to mujhe dikha ki aunty apni hi ungi khudki chut me dalkar ahhhhhhh ooh chilla rahi thi. Mene dekha ki aunty ki chut ke aas pass ke baal saaf kiye hue the aur shayad uski garam chut ko abhi tak kisine choda nahi tha. ye dekh ke mera lund bhi ek dam garam ho gaya aur me vapis bed pe aakar beth gaya. Jab aunty wapis aayi aur kitchen me kaam kar rahi thi tab me kitchen me gaya aur kaha ki
Me(Deep) : Me kuch madad karu kya ?
Aunty : Nahi Nahi.
Aunty : To tum yaha kitne din rehne wale ho ?
Me : 30 din.
Aunty : To phir to achha hai.
Me : Kya ?
Aunty : kuchh nahi.
Me : Aapke pati kabhi aayenge.
Aunty : Are wo to yaha nahi rehte. Wo fauj me hai naa to saal me ek do baar hi aate hai aur wo bhi 5-6 dino ke liye.
( Aunty ki baat se mujhe pata lag gaya tha ki unki sex life kuchh nahi thi. Aur issi liye wo mujko seduce kar rahi thi. Ye sunkar mera confidence thoda badh gaya)
Me : Aunty aapke bachhe nahi hai ?
Aunty( Gusse me ) : Bachhe kya aise hi ho jate hai kya.
Abhi kya batau wo aate hai saal me ek baar wo bhi thake hue. Lekin tum ho naa !!!!!!!!!!!
Me : Hmmmmmmm
Aunty : Kuch nahi. Samaj jayoge.
Me(sochte hue) :
( ye sunke to mujhe aunty ko chodne ka mann aur bhi zyada ho gaya. Phir mene socha ki me yaha kuch 30 din rehne wala hu aur aunty ko bhi mujhse chudwana hai aur mujhe bhi unko chodna hai. Lekin agar mene aunty ko abhi chod diya to baki ke din vapis unko chodne me mazza nahi aayega. to usse achha hai ki me kuch din aise hi mazza leta hu jis tarike se aunty mujhe seduce kar rahi thi aur garam kar rahi thi khudko chudwane ke liye usi chiz ka mazza leta hu aur aunty ko aur bhi zyada garam karta hu to chodne ko mazaa aa jayega.
Aur ant me mene decide kiya ki me agle kuch dino tak aunty ko pata nahi chalne dunga ki mujhe bhi unko chodna hai aur uski chut aur choochi ka mazza lunga . apne lund ka bhi mazza unko dunga.)
Mein ye soch raha tha tabhi aunty ne puchha ki raat ko kya loge.
Me : Raat ko to me ................hm kya ?
Aunty : Raat ko khane me kya loge ?
Me : Kuch bhi chalega.
Aunty : tum daru pite ho kya ?
Me : Nahi pita ( Actually mein pita hu lekin mujhe dekhna tha ki aunty kya karti hai iss liye mene na bola ).
Itni baat hone ke baad me phir main room mein TV dekhne chala gaya aur aunty kitchen me khana banane lagi. Kuch 1/2 ghante baad aunty bahar ke room mein aa kar sabji katne lagi. Mein tabhi bed pe betha hua tha. Mein ne dekha ki aunty ka pallu gira hua tha aur aunty ne mujhe seduce karne ke liye apne blouse ke upper ko do huk(button) bhi khol diye the aur wo juk kar sabji kat rahi thi. Abhi upper se mujhe uske dono bade bade boobs kuch zyada hi dikh rahe the aur aunty ki jukhne ki wajah se uske dono boobs ki bich ki cut bhi badi ho gayi thi jo dekh kar mein pagal ho gaya tha. Mein aisa nazara khabhi bhi nahi dekha tha aur meine mujhko control karne ke liye paper leliya. Lekin itne achha nazara aur aunty ko shak na ho isliye mein paper ke bich mese unko dekne laga. mera lund phir se garam ho kar bada aur kadak ho gaya tha. Usse chupane ke liye mene apne do no per ko ek ke uper ek rakh diya. Aunty ke bade boobs bahot hi soft the aur baar baar zul rahe the aur fir mein bathroom chala gaya ( shayad tabhi aunty bhi khadi ho kar chupke se mujhe darwaze mese dekhne lagi aur wo chahati thi ki me uske boobs ko dekhu aur waisa hi hua).
Aunty ne khana bana li tha aur 7 baj chuke the. gaon me khana khaneka jaldi ho jata hai. Lekin abhi tak amit aaya nahi tha isliye mein akela khana khane betha aur aunty roti(chapati) banane andar chali gayi. Kuch 5 minute baad wo roti banake bahar aayi aur mujhe khana dene lagi. Mein niche betha hua tha aur aunty zuk kar mujhe khana de rahi thi tabhi aunty ka pallu gir gaya aur abhi bhi uske blouse ke do huk khule hue the aur uske blouse mese bo bade bade boobs aadhe bahar aa gaye the. Aunty mere muh ke karib hone ki wajah se mujhe abhi blouse ke andar bhi dikh raha tha . Uske nipple bhi mujhe dikh rahe the aur mein kuch der tak wahi dekhta raha ( Ab mujhe khana khane ke badle uske ye bade choochiyon ko khane ka maan ho gaya ) Tabhi aunty sharma kar apna pallu uthaya aur horny face kar ke andar chali gayi.
Mein ne khana khatam kiya tabhi amit bhi aa gaya tha.
khana khane ke baad hum tino ( Mein , amit aur aunty) Tv dekhne lage. 10:30 tak Tv dekhne ke baad mujhe neend aane lagi maine amit se kaha ki chal sone jaate hai tab amit ne aunty se puchha ki agar koi room khali ho to usse padhai karni thi. Aunty ne kaha ki tum niche wale kamre mai padhai karo hum log upper wale room mai so jate hai. Aunty ka makan 2 floor ka tha aur upper jane ka rasta main room se hi tha. Amit bola thik hai.
Phir mein aur aunty uper wale room mai chale gaye. Waha jane ke liye bich mai ek darwaza tha uper jane ke time aunty ne wo darwaza bandh kar diya. Uper teen kamre the. Meine aunty se kaha ki mein bahar wale kamre mai hi so jata hu to aunty ne kaha ki nahi andar wale kamre mai bed hai us par so jao. Jab hum log andar ke room mai jaye to meine dekha ki waha par ek hi bed tha aur wo bhi doo log ko liye choota tha shayad us par ek hi aadmi so sakta tha. Us bed ko dekh kar
Me : Aunty aap kaha soyenge ?
Aunty : Bed par.
Me : To mein niche so jau kya ?
Aunty : Nahi tum bhi bed par hi so oge.
Me : Aunty hum dono ke liye bed chhota hai shayad .
Aunty : Nahi nahi . Bed pe hum dono aa jaynge.
Me : Aunty lekin mein aapke pass kaise.........
Aunty : Humare ghar mai koi bhi raat ko zameen par nahi sota. Ye niyam(rule) hai.
Me : Lekin.........
Me : Thik hai aap jaise bolengi...
( Aunty ko shayad aaj hi mujhse chudwana tha. Lekin maine pehle kaha ki mujhe itne jaldi aunty ko chodna nahi tha warna baki ke 30 din mein kya karta. Is liye meine socha ki aunty kitna bhi uksa ye mein aaj raat ko usse nahi chodunga.)
Me : Aunty thoda pani milega.
Aunty : Pani to nahi lekin meine tere liye sharabat banaya hai. ruk leke aati hu.
Thodi der baad aunty sharabat leke aai. Mene dekha ki usme se sharab ki waas aa rahi thi. Ab mein samaj gaya ki aunty ne mujhe subah sharab pite ho kya aisa kyu puchha tha or achha hua ki meine aunty ko sach nahi bataya ki mein sharab pite hu. aunty mujhe sharab pila kar khudko chudwana chahti thi. Lekin itne sharab se mujhe nasha thodi naa chadne wala tha. Mein sharabat(Sharab) pi gaya. aur bed pe jaa kar beth gaya. thodi der baad meine nasha ki acting chalu ki taki aunty ko lage ki mujhe sharab chad gayi hai. Tab aunty ne mujhe bed par laite diya aur light bandh kar ke mere baaju me so gayi. Lekin bed chhota hone ki wajah se aunty adhi(1/2) mere uper soi hui thi. Tabhi aunty ne palta aur meri baaju apne muh kar ke tedi so gayi. Mein bhi nashe ki acting kar ke soo raha tha. Meine ek aankh khol kar dekha to aunty ne apni saree utar di thi aur uska bade bade choochi meri aakh se sirf 2 inch door the aur uske tight aur low cut blouse ki wajah se uski badi si cleavage mujhe saf dikh rahi thi. Uske itne bade boobs dekh kar phir ek baar mera lund garam ho kar khada hone laga.
Meine sone ke waqt apni pant or underwear utar kar shorts pehanli thi. ab mera lund meri shorts me rocket ki tarah khada ho gaya tha or bahar aa raha tha. Light bandh hone ki wajah se aunty ko uska pata nahi laga. Thodi der baad (1/2 hour) meine dekha ki koi mere t-shirt me niche se haath dal raha hai wo aunty ka haath tha. Mein kuch bola nahi kyu ki me nashe ki acting kar raha tha or mujhe dekhne tha ki aunty kya karti hai. Mujhe mazza bhi aa raha tha. Ab aunty ne apne haath meri chaddi(shorts) ke andar dal diya aur dhire dhire uska haath mere lund ki taraf jaane laga.ab mera lund aunty ke haath me tha or wo khada hone ki wajah se kadak aur lamba ho chuka tha. Aunty ne mera lund ka saath thodi der andar hi khelne ke baad ab wo meri chadii utar ne lagi. mera lund abhi rocket ki tarah khada ho chuka tha or bhi 6 inch ka garma garam.Aunty ne apna ek leg mera lund par rakha aur usse wo mere lund ko dabane lagi aur aunty abhi aadhe se jyada mere uper aa gayi thi. wo mujhe pagalon ki tarah chumne lagi lekin me soya hua hi raha. Ab aunty puri tarah se mere uper aa gayi thi or mujhe chum rahi thi. aunty apne peiron se mere lund ko jor jor se dabarahi thi. Aunty ke mere uper aane se pehle baar mujhe uske bade boobs ka ehsaas hua . Uske bade boobs mere chest ke uper dab rahe the wo usko aur bhi daba rahi thi jisse mera lund ekdam kadak ho gaya tha. mere muh ko uske choochiyan touch ho rahe the aur me bhi usko chat raha tha . Mene ekdam se apne dono hathon se uske boobs ko pakad liya aur dabane laga. Mujhe bahot hi mazza aa raha tha ki tabhi aunty khadi ho gayi aur mera lund ke pass beth gayi. Usne pehle mere lund ko haath se dabaya aur phir mera lund apne muh se chusne lagi. Wo mera lund pura apne muh ke andar nahi daal paarahi thi mere lund ki size ki wajah se.Isse mera lund ekdam khada aur kadak ho gaya aur mera lund me panni nikalne laga. Me usse rok nahi paya or aunty ke muh ke andar hi mene apne paani nikal diya. 1/2 ghante tak wo mere lund ko isi tarah chusti aur chabati rahi phir mere pass tedhi so gayi apni blouse ko pehenke. Abhi mera lund uske haatho me hi tha. Aunty ke choochiyan abhi mere muh ke 2 cm he duur the aur aunty ne apne blouse ke uper ke 3 huk khol diye the jisse uske adhe se zyada bppbs blouse ke bahar aa gaye the . Aunty apne bade boobs ab mere muh pa gumane lagi to mein bhi sote sote usse chusne laga aur uska ek boob mene apne muh me dall kar bade hi joro se chusne laga. Aunty apne dono haatho se mere lund ko buri tarah daba rahi thi. Mera lund kadak hone ki wajah se mujhe bahot hee dard hoo raha tha aur mazza bhi aa rahi thi. Usne apne dono hatho se ab mere lund ko khichna chalu kiya. Mene bhi apne dato se aunty ke ek choochi ko chabana chalu kiya aur jabhhi wo mere lund ko zor se dabati me bhi dato se uske boob ko bite marta. Mene apne ek haath se aunty ke dusre boob ko bhi lochna chalu kar diya tha. Mein apni ungliyo se uske nipple ko daba raha tha. Aunty ke balls bade hi soft he aur usse chusne aur chaba ne me bada mazza aa raha tha bhale hi wo blouse ke andar ho. Aisa 1 ghante tak chala aur phir hum so gaye.
Subah jab me utha to meri chadii aunty ne wapis pehna di thi lekin bed kafi gila ho chuka tha. Tab aunty aayi aur wo sharma rahi thi aur mujhe ekdam horny expression de rahi thi.
Meine aunty se ( Jaane mujhe kuchh pata hi naa ho us tara se ) puchha ki kal raat kya hua tha ? Kya meri tabiyat kharab thi kya ? ( Meine jaan bhujkar aise pucha taki aunty ko lage ki me nashe me tha)
Aunty : Ha , tumko chakkar aa rahe the.
Me : ok..
Me : Aunty amit kaha hai ?
Aunty : Uski maa aa gayi hai to wo ghar gaya. Tum so rahe the iss liye tumhe uthaya nahi.
Me : Thik hai mein bhi jaata hu.
Uske baad mein apne dost (amit) ke ghar gaya aur amit ki mummy se mila. Amit ki mummy ne hum logo ko dekh ke bohot khush huye the. Unhone humey aur amit ko subah ke nashta diya aur humne khana khaya fir
Amit : chal tujhe gaon dikhake lata hun
Me : haan thik hai
Phir hum bahar ghumney gaye.Amit ne mujhe uska bachpan ka school dikhaya,market dikhaya aur hum thorey bohot vegetables kharida ghar ke khana ke liye.Ghumtey ghumtey karib 12 baj gaye the toh tab hum wapas aarahey the.Jab hum (me & amit) wapas aarahey the tab humey dekha ke lipika auntie bhi wapas aarahi hai market se.
Woh bhi market gayi thi kuch ghar ka saman kharidne ke liye.Aunty ne hum dono ke dekh ke bohot he khush ho gaye.
Amit : arey auntie aap yahaan?
Aunty : haan kuch saman kharid na tha. Tum log kya kar rahey ho?
Amit : Aunty mein deep ko gaon dikha raha tha aur ghar ke liye kuch saman bhi kharid raha tha
Aunty : ohh acha acha.
Fir aunty ne meri orr dekha aur muskuraya.
Aunty : deep kya tum mera thora help kar dogey?
Me : zarur aunty ,mujhe kya karna hai.
Aunty : yeh mere haath me jo saman hai yeh thora leke ke mere saath ghar chalogey?
Me : Ji aunty
Fir maine thora saman haath mein uthaya aur ghar ke liye chala.Tab mein, amit aur aunty ek saath jarahey the.Ankhir mein hum ghar poochne waley he the ke
Aunty : deep mein itni sara saman akele uthake nei le ja payungi,kya tum mere ghar tak pohochadogi?
Amit : haan deep tu ja saman rakh ke aa, auntie ne humare liye kal bohot kuch kia.
Me : haan zarur auntie.
(Aunty bhi khush ho gayi,uske muh mein ek jab si muskurahat thi)
Aunty ne darwaja khola aur andar gayi mein bhi aunty ke peeche peeche andar aya.jab mein peche jaraha tha toh meri nazar sirf auntie ki gaand pey he tha.kya mast aur moti gaand thi.mein yeh soch raha tha k iss gaand ko marne mein kitna mazaa ayega.
Aunty : sukriya deep,tum baitho tumhare liye mein sarbat leke aati hun.
Me : nei aunty sukriya,amit mera intezar kar raha hoga.
Aunty : Nehi ruko,thori der baad jana, amit ko pata hai ke tum mere paas ho.
Me : thik hai aunty , sarbat peeney ke baad mein chala jayunga.
Aunty fir sarbat banana ke liye kitchen mein gayi,magar janey se pehele aunty fir se meri aur dekhke muskuraya aur fir se apni pallu ko apne do choochiyon ke beech mein rakha.Yeh dekhke mera lund fir se jag raha tha,meri nazar aunty ki gaand se heel hee nei paraha tha,aur yeh aunty ne dekha toh apni saree ko side se ghutno tak utha liya aur boli ke kitni garmi hai aj toh.
Me : haan auntie garmi toh bohot hai
Aunty : kyun na tum apni shirt khol pe yeha thori der aaram karo.
Me : thik hai aunty mein room mein jakey beth ta hun aur tv dekhta hun.
Aunty(muskurakey) : thik hai deep, tum jao mein sarbat leke aati hun,fir hum dono milne peeyengay.
Mein apna shirt utara aur bethey bethey tv dekh raha ta ke aunty aayi doo glass sarbat leke. Unhone table pe sarbat rakha aur mere paas aake baithi.Meine dekha ki firse auntie ki blouse ki 2 hooks khulley huye the.Meine sarbat ki glass uthaya aur peene laga,peeney se pehle mujhe kuch daru ki buu aane laga.Aunty ne sarbat mein daru mila diya tha toh mein samajh gaya k aunty ko kuch kuch hone laga hai.Sarbat peene ke baad mein firse nasha hone ka acting karne laga.aur auntie ko laga ke mujhe daru chad rahi hai.
Aunty : kya hua, deep?
Me : mujhe chakkar aaraha hai aunty.
Aunty : tum ek kam karo meri godh mein apna sar rakho mein sar dawa deta hun.
Aunty ne apna leg sidhi ki aur mein apna sar aunty ki thigh pe rakha aur aunty ne apne haathon se mera sar dawana suru kia.Kuch minutes baad aunty ka ek saath mera sar mein tha aur ek haath woh mere chest mein rakha aur sehelana suru kia.achanak se unhone thora jhuka aur mere muh ka samne apne doo bade bade choochiyon rakha aur jaise jaise haath hillane laga toh uski choochiyan bhi mere nak ke saath takrane laga tha.aise hee kuch minute tak chalta raha fir meine mehsus kiya ke aunty ka ek haath mere pet(stomach) mein hai aur dusri haath kahi nei hai.meine apna aank thora sa khola toh mein dekha ki auntie apne ek haath ke blouse ki saaren hooks khol rahey hai, ankhaan bandh kar dia.aur fir meine mehsus kia ke mere lips mein kuch choti si cheez takra rahi hai. Toh meien samajh gaya k yeh nipples hai joki aunty chuswaney ke liye diya hai. Toh mein bhi apna tongue nikala aur ahista ahista nipple ko lagaya aur chusna suru kia toh aunty ki muh se kuch aawaz nikli.aur aunty ne apni dusri nipple bhi mere muh pe de diya tha.aur mein zor zor se chusna suru kar diya. Aunty ne iss beech apna ek haath mere pant ke andar ghusa diya tha aur mere lund ko hila rahi thi, uske liye mera lund bhi kadak ho gaya. Aunty ab puri josh mein aagayi thi toh aunty ne mere sar uthake apni saree puri kamar(waist) tak utha liya aur mein side hokey leth gaya,tab bhi aunty baithi huyi thi aur mein leta tha aur side face hone ki wajah se mujhe aunty ki chut puri nazar aarahi tha.aunty ne shayad kitchen mein hee apni panty utar de thi.fir meine ek haath se aunty ki ek choochi ko zor se dawa raha tha aur apni jheeb se aunty ki chut ko chat raha tha.toh aunty ki muh se ohhhhhh ahhhhhh awwwwwwww aawaz aaraha tha.Aunty ki chut puri gili ho gayi thi aur unhse raha nei jaraha tha toh unhone meri pant kholke niche kar dia aur mere upar ulta let gayi. Aunty ne fir mera lund apne muh pe le liya aur mast hokey chat rahi thi toh meien bhi unhke gaand ko sehelatey huye unki chut ko chat raha tha.hum ab 69 position mein aagaye the.kuch 10-15minutes tak aise kartey kartey aunti ko kuch hona laga aur shayad jhard ne wali thi toh unhone mere lund ko muh se bahar nikala aur apni chut ko mere muh se aur zor se chipka diya aur kapne lagi aur kuch second baad aunty ki chut se paani aane laga, aur mein sara pani peene laga magar lund tab bhi kadak tha toh aunty ne fir se mera lund muh mein le liya aur zor se chusne laga.fir 2-3 minute baad mere lund se bhi paani nikalne laga aur aunty ne puri paani pee li aur hum waise hee thode der soo gaye.aunty uth ke chali gayi aur mein wohi leta tha kyunke mujhe yeh dikhana tha ke mujhe nasha hua tha.karib 1.30 baje mein utha aur uth ke meine kaha
Me : auntie apki haathon mein jadu hai jisse mera saarein sardard chala gaya.
Auntie : yeh toh mera farz tha deep
Me : ab mujhe jana chahiye,pata nei amit kya soch raha hoga.
Auntie : thik hai aur fir aunty ne muskuraya.
Aur aise hee bina chodey huye mein aur auntie oral sex kar rahey the ek week tak kyunke mujhe ahista ahista pura mazaa lena tha. Har roj koi na koi bahane se auntie mujhe bulati thi apne ghar mein ya toh mein jata tha koi dusri bahane se. Fir ek haftey baad amit ke gaon ke ghar mein, amit ki koi risteydar aayi 2 din rehne ke liye. Kuch log hone ki wajah se amit ne mujhse kaha ke kya tum aunty ke ghar mein raat mein soo sakta hai kyunke mere ghar mein bohot log hai aur sone ke liye itna jagah bhi nei hai. Mujhe toh yeh sunke dil khush ho gaya kyunke ab sirf mein aur aunty puri raat maza kar saktey hai aur koi bhi nei hoga ghar mein. Aur fir hum dono aunty ke ghar gaye aur amit ne aunty se pooche k kya deep apke ghar mein raat ko so sakta hai kyunke mere ghar mein kuch log aaye hai. Toh yeh sunke aunty ne fatak se haan boldia aur meri aur dekh kar muskurayi.Mujhe pata tha ke aunty ne kis liye muskurayi kyunke aunty ko bhi pata tha ke ab puri raat fill mazaa le saktey hai.
So friends abhi tak kaisa laga my real experience.Please mujhe batana kyunke ap logo ka comments dekh kar he mein apni aagey ki true and real experince batayunga. Any woman or girl from Kolkata or near by place, interested in having sex with me please mail me at evilspirit_8319@yahoo.co.in Please everyone send me ur valuable comments, i will be waiting. Thanks.
Muslim bahabhi ko choda
Hello Doston , main saahil ek baar phir se app ke liye hazir hoon ek nayi kahani ke saath , shuruat ki kahani khala lo pyaar se choda aur khala ke saath suhagraat jaisi kahaniyon ka mujhe bahot achcha response mila aur dhire dhire kai log mere dost ban gaye hain. mujhe ummed main age bhi aap ki aise hi sewa karta rahoonga aur mujhe app log dher saare reply bhejte rahiyega.
Ab main apni life ki doosri real story par aata hoon. Actually mere andar sex ki feelings jab main chota tha tab se hi kuch zyaada thin jabki mujhe us waqt kuch samajh bhi nahin thi. Aur bachpan se main kaafi handsome raha hoon aur apne maan baap ka akela beta bhi hoon isliye meri kuch zyaada hi importance rahi hai.
To hua yoon ki main apni graduation ki 1st year mein pahoncha aur physics ki coaching lene ke liye doston ke group ne ek professor se baat kar li. Humare yahan kanpur shahar mein Gumti No.5 namm ka ek area hai jo ki totally punjabi locality hai aur wahan par shayad hi aur koi community rehti ho even humare sir bhi punjabi the. So hum saare dost starting mein ek saath coaching jaane lage phir dheere dheere hum log aage peeche pahonchne lage akele akele to main bhi akele pahonchna shuru kar diya. To main kabhi kisi raste se jaata aur kabhi kisi raaste se jaisa sahi lagta. isi tarah coaching jaate jaate humein lagbha 2 mahine beet gaye.
Ek baar ki baat yeh hui ki mere coaching ka ek peeche se bhi raasta hai jo ki poora sannata se bhara rehta hai wahan kisi ka bhi koi aana jaana nahin hai maine socha ki main bhi rush se bachne ke liye mainne bhi woh raasta chun liya , jab main us raaste se jaa raha tha , lagbhag subah ke 8 : 30 baj rahe the mujhe bahot zor ka peshab laga to maine usi gali mein ek jagah par ruk kar apni cycle side kar di apni zip khol kar peshab karne laga. Main jahan par peshab kar raha tha mere maathe ke theek saamne ek khidki thi lekin us per us time koi bhi nahin tha aam taur se subah ke waqt log der se uthte hain to main bhi peshab karne mein busy the mujhe laga koi uper se jhaank raha hai us time mainne upar uth kar dekhna theek nahin samjhe lekin mujhe laga ki koi jhaank raha hai jab main ne peshab kar liya phir main wahan se kuch kadam hi chala tha ki mind mein aaya lao dekhein to sahi ki us khidki mein kya hai ya wahan kaun tha to main phir wapas mud kar aaya , cycle side ki , woh khidki thoda uper thi mainne jaise taise koshish kar ke uper chadh ker dekha to woh us ghra ka kitchen tha mainne aur bhi dekhne ki koshish kari lekin koi pakad na hone ki wajah se main zyaada tik nahin paa raha tha us kitchen se mujhe us ghar ke kuch rooms aur gallery wagairah saaf nazar aa raha tha main jaise utarne chala achanak mujhe kitchen ke saath wale kamre mein ek lady aati hui dikhayi di , woh aurat us time per black color ki nighty pehne hui thi aur apne kaam mein vyast thi , wahin se mujhe yeh bhi pata chala ki uska ek baby bhi hai woh ladka hai ya ladki yeh nahin maloom lekin ek babay ke rone ki awaaz aa rahi thi aur woh use chup kara rahi thi. phir main wahan se chala gaya coaching ke liye kaafi let ho gaya tha uske liye mujhe us din punishment bhi mili. Khair koi baat nahin , lekin pata nahin kyon mera mann us time coaching mein naa lag kar usi gali mein ruk gaya tha aur main wohi saari ghatna ko soch raha tha , kab coachin wind up ho gayi mujhe nahin maloom. Ab mujhe us gali se pata nahin kyon aane jaane mein achcha lagne laga . Koi do din hi beete the ki main us gali se guzar raha tha jaise hi us khidki ke paas pahoncha us khidki mein se wohi lady bahar jhaank rahi thi mainne apni chalne ki speed thodi kam kar di aur mein dheere dheere chalne laga woh pehla din tha us lady ko mainne bilkul kareeb se aur bahot gaur se dekha woh us waqt tea ka cup haath mein liye hui thi , bahot hi fair color tha , us waqt bhi shayad woh mexi hi pehne hui thi maathe par choti si bindiya thi , maang mein sindoor tha , kaanon mein golden earrings the , gale mein mangalsootra tha , haath uske pore bahar nikle hue the aur uske haath poore chudiyon se bhare hue the , mujhe laga ki yeh koi lagbhag 2 saal ki married lady hai kyonki woh bilkul nayi lag rahi thi , uski age zyaada se zyaada 24 saal hogi , main dheere dheere uske paas se guzar raha tha achanak hum donon ki nazrein milin main usko dekhta hi reh gaya woh mujhe bahot gaur se dekh rahi thi jaise hi main uski khidki ke paas pahoncha usne ek bahot pyaari si little smile di to mainne bhi ek smile de di aur main aage badh gaya.
Hina ko choot ka pani
Hello main hon imtiaz from lahore mujhey too aap log janty hain dosto meri real life stories ko like karny ka bohat shukariya . Aj mein jo stroy likh raha hon is main main ne fozia ki cousin hina ki virgin phuddi ki seal tori aur khoob enjoy kiya aur us din fozia aur hina ko ek saath sari raat choda us k ghar pe to friends abb start karta hon apni story meri id's ka too aap sab ko pata hai seksguru@yahoo.com too doston aap janty hain k kis terhan main ne fozia ki phuddi mari thi aur us ne mujhey apni cousin aur apni ek friend ki phuddi lainy ki offer ki thi jisay main ne accept kar liya tha. Fozia ko chodny k baad next day us ne call ki aur kaha k mujhey bohat miss kar rahi hai aur phuddi main mera lun lainy ko tarap rahi hai aur bataya k iss saturday ko us k ghar waley islamabad ja rahy hain aur us k saath pura week us ki cousin hogi ghar main aur wo iss saturday night ko us ki cousin ki phuddi lay saqta hon program set karny k baad main satuday ko 8 bajay us k ghar chala gaya wahan us ki cousin hina pehlay se moujood thi jis ko dekh kar mera lun ek dam khara hogaya wo bohat sexy aur smart thi gora rang patli si kamar pink lips us ka figer 34,26,34 tha us ne us din din light blue colour ki shalwar kameez pehni thi bohat sharma rahi thi mujhey dekh kar fozia ne mujhey cold drink pilai too main ne fozia ko apni god main baita liya aur us ki lips pe kissing shorow kar di us ki cousin yeh sab dekh kar muskura rahi thi main ne us ko apney pass aaney ko kaha too wo sharma rahi thi aur pass nahi aa rahi thi fozia meri god main baith kar bohat hot ho gai thi aur mujhey bohat pyar se kissing kiye jar rahi thi main bhi us ko full response day raha tha aur us ke lips ko moo main lay kar zor zor se choos raha tha us ki zuban choos raha tha wo meri zuban choos tahi thi phir main ne fozia ko sofey pe lita diya aur us k oper lait kar us ki ear lobs aur neck pe kissing karni shorow kar di aur us ki neck pe kissing karny laga aur us k boobs press karta raha us k moo se bohat sexy awazien aa rahi thi aaaaah ooooohh hmmmmmmmm mahol bohat sexy hogaya tha wo mujhey keh rahi imtiaz i love you main tumhare bina nahi reh saqti tumhare lun ne mujhey pagal kar diya hai har waqt mera dil tum se phuddi chudwany ko karta hai main bohat tarapti hon tumhare lun ko apni phuddi main lainy k liye plz mujhey jaldi se apna lun dal kar chodo main ne us ko kaha dear itni jaldi kya hai abhi pehlay tumhare cousin ki phuddi longa baad main tumhari bcoz aap sab janty hain jo kunwari phuddi marny ka maza hai us ka koi jawab nahi hai jab lun kisi kunwari phuddi main jata hai too jo feelings hoti hain wo wohi janta hoga jis ne kabhi kunwari phuddi ki seal tori ho main ne fozia se kaha k hina ko mere pass bulao us ne hina ko pass aaney ko kaha to wo aa gai kyun k wo yeh sab dekh kar kafi hot ho chukki thi main ne us ka haath pakar kar chooma phir khara ho kar us ko hug kiya aur us ki back pe haath pairta hua us k hips tak lay gaya aur phir us ki hips press kiye jo bohat soft thay phir main ne us k lips pe apney lips rakh diye aur us ko kissing karny laga us k nneechy waley hont ko apney main moo main lay kar choosna shorow kar diya aur us ne bhi response daina shorow kar diya hum kafi deer tak iss tehan kissing karty rahy fozia ne kaha imtiaz plz bed room main chalo na wahan ja kar jaldi se meri cousin ki kunwari phuddi ko phar do jab se iss ko pata chala k main ne tum se phuddi chuwai hai yeh pagal hai tumhara lun apni phuddi main dalwany k liye aaj is ko phuddi main apna pura lun daal kar iss ko jannat ka maza day do.
Main ne hina ko kissing karty karny apni god main utha liya aur fozia k peechey chalta hua us k bedroom main lay gaya wahan ja kar hina ko bed pe lita kar us k oper lait gaya aur kissing karty rahy phir main ne hina k ear lobs pe kissing ki aur halki halki bites ki jis se wo bohat hot ho gayi aur hmmmmmu ummmmmmmm ahhhh karny lagi jis ko sun kar lun aur ziada hard honey laga main ne apna haath us ki legs pe phairta hua shalwar ko oper se us ki phuddi tak laygaya aur finger us ki phuddi pe rub karta raha us ki phuddi kafi wet ho gayi thi main saath us ki neck pe kissing kar raha tha fozia pass baith kar sab dekh rahi thi aur apny boobs daba rahi thi aur phuddi bhi rub kar rahi thi phir main ne kameez ki oper se hina k boobs pe kissing stark iaur karta karta us k navle rak aa gaya phir main ne hina ko apni bahon main lay kar baitha diya aur ahisha se us ki kameez utarna shorow ki us ne apney haath oper kar k kameez utarwa li abb wo sirf block bre aur shalwar main thi main ne us ko boobs ko pakar kar zor zor se dabna shorow kar diya aur us k lips apney main main lay kar zor zor se choosney laga aur apni puri zuban hina k mood main dal di jisey wo bohat mazey se choosney lagi kissing karny ka bohat maza aa raha tha main ne us ki back pe haath rub karty karty us ki bra ko unhock kar diya aur bra utar kar jab us k boobs dekhey to dekhta he reh gaya pink nipples aur ek dam se tight thay us k boobs main khud ko rok na saqa aur us ko boobs pe toot para pehlay left boob pe kissing ki aur nipples moo main lay kar choosna shorow kar diya aur right ko zor zor se proess karta raha phir right boobs k nipple ko bhi choosna shorow kar diya dosari tarf dekha too fozia ne bhi apni kameez aur bra utar di thi aur ankhein band kar k apni phuddi rub kar rahi thi wo doston mahool itna sexy hogaya tha k biyan nahi kiya ja saqta words main mujhey wo lamha aaj bhi yaad hai main ne fozia ko awaz day kar pass bulaya aur us ki lips pe kiss di aur kaha fozia tum hina k right boob ko suck karo main left ko karta hon aaj hum mil kar life ka asli maza laingay wo foran right side pe aa gai aur hina k boob aur nipples pe kissing and sucking shorow kar di hina ka mazey se bura haal tha wo zor zor se awazein nikal rahi thi aaahhh hayeeeeeeee hmmmmmmmm ummmmmmmm bohat maza aa raha hai main urr rahi hon aesa maza kabhi nahi aaya imtiazaap bohat achey ho main aap ki ghulam hon mujhey aaj zindegi ka maza day do hina k boobs suck karny ka itna maza aa raha tha k dil kar raha tha bas boobs he suck karta rahon phir main ne hina ki shalwar main haath daala kar us ko phuddi ko touch kiya too wo bohat zaida wet ho gai thi us main ne juice nikal raha tha phir main ne hina k nave pe kissing and licking ki ahishta se us ki shalwar neechey ki too utar nahi rahi thi main ne hina se kaha apney hips uthao aur phir us ki shalwar uatr di aur panty bhi utar di bcoz main aabb aur deer nahi karna chahta tha mera lun bohat ziada hard hogaya tha aur phuddi main janey k liye betab ho raha tha phir hina ki legs pe legs pe kissing ki paon pe kissing karta karta us ki tighs tak aa gaya us ki phuddi bohat chotti si thi aur pink lips thay clit bhi bohat chotti si thi pehlay main ne zuban se us ki clipt ko lick kiya too hina tarap uthi mazey se phir main ne puri zuban us ki phuddi pe rakh kar chatney laga us ki phuddi dono fingers se us k phuddi outer lips ko open kar k us k ander zuban daal kar oper se neechey tak chata raha wo pagal ho rahi thi mazey se us ki phuddi ka taste bohat acha tha bohat maza aa raha tha us ki phuddi chatney main phir ahista se apni zuban ko us k phuddi hole pe rakh kar chata aur phir puri phuddi ko moo main lay kar suck karta raha phuddi k purey outer lips moo main daal kar choosta raha wo tarap rahi thi keh rahi imtiaz bas karo main mar jaogi aag lag gai hai meri phuddi main plz kuch karoo warna main mar jaongi main ne apni puri zuban us k phuddi hole main dal kar in out kar k apni zuban se chodna shorow kar diya us ko wo hips utha utha kar meri zuban apni phuddi main lay rahi thi aur mere sir ko zor se apni phuddi main press kar rahi thi phir maain ne ne hina se kaha abb wo mere kapry utary too wo ek dam uthay gai uar jaldi jaldi se kissing karty kary meri shirt k button khol kar utar dia aur meri pant bhi utar di main sirf underware main tha dosari teraf fozia bhi pura nangi hogai thi aur pass he laiti hui thi main ne fozia ki phuddi pe kiss kiya too wo madhosh hogayi main ne hina se kaha k wo mera lun suck kare main kuch deer apni jan fozia ki phuddi suck karna chahta hon main seeda lait gaya aur fozia se kaha darling mere uper aao aur apni sweet phuddi ko mere lips pe rakh kar baitho wo aa gai aur main us k phuddi lips ko moo main lay kar zor zor se suck karney laga hina.
Ne mere lun ko haath main pakar liya aur rub karti rahi phir us ne lun k head pe ek kiss ki aur phir zuban se mere lun ko chatny lagi phir lun ka head main moo lay kar choosna shorow kar diya aur pura lun moo main lainy ki koshish karti rahi aur in out kar k mera lun choosti rahi bohat maza aa raha tha mujhey aaj ek saath do larkiyon k saath sex karney ka maza he kuch aur hai main ne fozia ki phuddi main puri zuban daal di aur wo oper neechey ho kar meri zuban apni phuddi main in out kar rahi thi aur keh rahi thi imtiaz tum bohat achey ho main bohat khush hon aaj dil too chahta hai k sirf har waqt tumhare saath he rahon phir main ne fozia se kaha k abb main hina k saath 69 position main karna chahta hon too wo utha gai aur hina ko mere oper aany ko kaha hina ne apni phuddi mere lips pe rakh di aur mera lun phir se moo main lay kar choosna shoroe kar diya thori deer iss terhan sucking karny k baad main ne fozia se kaha k abb wo aur hina ek dosry ki phuddi ko lick karein too fozia meri taraf dekh kar muskurai aur phir hina ki phuddi chatney ladi hina abhi bhi mera lun choos rahi thi main ne hina ko kaha 69 position main ho kar fozia ki phuddi chato too wo mana karny lagi main ne kaha fozia bhi too chat rahi hai tumhari phuddi too woo phir maan gai aur fozia ki phuddi ko zuban se chatna shorew kar diya main kuch deer yeh sab dekhta raha bohat maza aa raha tha yeh sab dekhney ka lun hard hogaya tha bohat zaida main ne dono ko alag kiya aur hina se poch dear ready ho jao abb main tumhari phuddi main lun dalny wala hon too wo muskurai aur kaha imtiaz main iss lamhay k liye kab se tarap rahi hon plz jaldi se meri kunwari phuddi ki seal tor do aur mujhey wo maza do jo fozia ko diya hai aur mujhey jab se fozia ne apni phuddi chudwany ki story sunai thi us din se meri phuddi mujhey soney nahi daiti hai har waqt wet rehti hai plz iss ki garmi door kar do mujhey aaj dil bhar k chudwana hai yeh sab suc kar main heran hogaya k abhi kitni sharma rahi thi aur ek dam se itna khul kar baatein karny lagi hai main ne fozia se kaha dear kya khayal hai chod don tumhari pyari cousin ko too wo hans pari aur kaha imtiaz yeh meri teraf se tum ko gift hai aaj iss ki phuddi maro 2 din baad tum ek aur phuddi marni hai meri college friend ki wo bhi bohat tarap rahi hai lun dilwany k liye apni phuddi main. Hina ko main bed pe lita diya aur fozia se kaha k mere lun ko moo main lay kar gila kar day fozia ne mera lun moo main lay choosna shorow kar diya jab lun gila hogaya too main ne foiza ko hina k phuddi bhi gile karny k liye choosny ko kaha fozia ne hina ki phuddi ko apni zuban se thook laga kar achi terhan gila kar diya phir main ne apna lun hina ki phuddi pe rubb karna shorow kar diya wo tarap rahi thi k imtiaz plz abb ander daal do lun lakin main ne us ki baat ko ignor kar diya aur lun ko oper se neechey tak us ki outer phuddi lips main rakh kar rubb karta raha yahan tak k wo rooni lagi minantein karny lagi imtiaz plz aap lun ko phuddi main dal do main mar jaongi reham karo mujh pe aur bardashat nahi hota plz day do meri phuddi main apna pura lun. Main ne fozia se kaha k wo hina k haath pakar lay aur phir main ne apney lun ka topa us ki phuddi hole pe rakh kar halka sa push kiya lun slip hogaya us ki phuddi bohat ziada tight thi main ne 2nd lun phuddi hole pe rakh kar zara zor se jhatka mara too mere lun ka topa us ki phuddi main ghuss gaya aur us ki cheekh nikal gai kuch deer main yuhen ruka raha phir main ne fozia se kaha iss k haath zor se pakar kar rakhy kyun k abb main jhatkay main apna pura lun hina ki phuddi main dal kar us ki phuddi phar donga phir main ne saans rook kar ek zor dar jhatka mara aur pura lun hina ki phuddi ki seal torta hua ander chala gaya aur wo dard se tarap uthi us ki phuddi se khon aaney lag gaya aur us ki ankhon main ansoo thay phir main us k oper lait gaya aur us k lips apney lips main lay kar suck karta raha fozia muskura rahi thi hina ki phuddi se nikalta hua blood dekh kar aur mera puda lun us ki phuddi main tha us ne kaha imtiaz tum ne too such main meri masoom cousin ki phuddi phar dali hai aaj hum dono hans pare aur phir jab hina ka dard kuch kam hua too us ne neechey se hilna shorow kar diya yeh dekh kar main ne bhi apna lun thora thora move karna shorow kar diya abb wo aahhhhhh aaaaaaaaaiiiiii hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmm ki awazein nikal rahi thi aur phir main ne lun ko bahir nikal kar phir ander push kiya iss bar bhi us ko dard hua lakin kam hua aur wo mujh se lipat gai aur boli imtiaz tum ne aaj meri phuddi main apna lun daal he diya main bohat khush hon aaj tumhara pura lun apni phuddi main dalwa kar imtiaz plz abb mujhey chodo zor zor se meri cheekhon ki parwa mat karna bas iss lun se aaj mera bura haal kar do phir kya tha main ne tez tez apna lun us ki phuddi main in out kar k us ko zor zor se chodna shorow kar diya hina bhi apni gand utha utha kar mere lun ko apni phuddi main lay rahi thi bohat maza aa raha tha us ki phuddi marny ka fozia dosary kamray main gai aur ek cd la kar play kar di tv pe dekha too scence chal raha tha jis main 2 larkiyan ek.
larky se chudwa rahi thein fozia pass baith kar hina ki phuddi main mera lun in out hota dekh rahi thi aur phir us ne kaha imtiaz plz abb meri phuddi main bhi lun dalon na lun dekho film main larka kaisy dono larkiyon ki phuddi mar raha hai plz hamari bhi aesy he maro na main ne fozia ko kaha thik tum dono abb dogy style main ho jao main bari bari tum dono ki phuddi main lun dalonga too dono uth kar dogy ban gayein phir main ne apna lun fozia ki phuddi pe rakh kar zor se push kiya aur lun ander chala gaya us k moo se aaaaaahhhhh ki awaz nikali phir main ne lun ko tez tez in out kar k chodna shorow kar diya phir lun nikal kar hina ki phuddi main dal diya aur us ko chodney laga iss terhan kafi deer tak main un dono ki phuddi marta raha wo dono release ho gai thein phir maine kaha main abb lait jata hon hina tum oper aa kar apney haath se mera lun pakar kar apni phuddi main lo aur oper neechey ho kar lun apni phuddi main in out karo hina mere oper aa kar mere lun pe phuddi rakh baith gai aur pura lun us ki phuddi main chala gaya aur tez tez uper neechy ho kar mere lun ko apni phuddi main in out karti rahi bohat maza aa raha tha us ki phuddi bohat tight thi main ne bhi neechey se zor zor se jhatkay laganey shorow kar diye fozia mere mood pe apni phuddi rakh kar baih gai main fozia ki phuddi main apni zuban dal kar us ko zuban se chod raha tha doston phuddi chatney se larki bohat ziada hot ho jati hai aap ki ghulam ho jati hai phuddi ko puri zuban se chat chat kar us ko maza day raha tha aur dosari terf mera lun hina ki phuddi main mazey lay raha tha abb main release honey wala tha main ne fozia ko bataya k main farig honey wala hon hina ki phuddi main apna love juice nikal don ya bahir us ne kaha imtiaz aap ki marzi hai hina k ander he kar doo main us ko tablet day dongi jo main ne li thi main ne apna lun aur tez aur tez hina ki phuddi main in out karna shorow kar diya wo cheekh rahi thi imtiaz mar gai bohat maza aa raha hai chodo zor se choda aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaah aaah hmmmmmmmmmmmm ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please fuck me so hard mujhey aaj sari raat chodo mujhey pagal kar diya hai tumhare lun ne plz mujhey aaj chorna mat meri phuddi ko aaj phar do fozia bohat achi hai jo us ne mere saath tumhein share kiya warna main too lun k liye tarapti he rehti such main imtiaz aap bohat achy ho main aap k liye apni jan day saqti hon kash aap pehlay miley hoty too abb tak main kitni dafa aap se apni phuddi marwa chukki hoti main ne kaha hina mera juice nikalney wala hai ready ho jaooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh aur main ne apna lun zor se pura ander kar diya usi waqt mere lun se bohat sara juice hina ki phuddi main nikalney laga wo mazey se ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmm kar rahi thi jab mera lun release hogaya too main ne hina ki lips pe ek lambi kiss ki aur apna lun us ki phuddi se nikal liya jiss pe us ki phuddi ka juice mere lun ka juice aur blood laga hua tha bed sheet bhi blood se red ho gai thi pehlay main wash room main gaya aur apna lun dho kar aa kar bed pe fozia ki god main sir rakh kar lait gaya jab hina uthi too us se thik se chala nahi ja raha tha wo bohat mushkil se wash room main chali gai too fozia ne pocha imtiaz aap ko maza aaya meri cousin ki phuddi lainy ka main ne fozia k lips pe ek kiss ki aur kahan aaaj too ziada maza aaya wo yeh sun kar bohat khush hui aur kaha imtiaz meri phuddi ka kya hoga main ne kaha jan fikar na karo abhi puri raat baqi hai baqi puri raat kya hua yeh aap ko next story main bataonga kyun k yeh story pehlay he kafi lambi ho gayi hai haan itna zaroor bata daita hon us din sari raat main ne un dono ki phuddi li 3 dafa hina ki phuddi mari aur 2 dafa fozia ki dono bohat khush thein next story main full details bataon aur yeh bhi bataonga k fozia ki college friend mehwish ki phuddi kaisi li, hope logon ko meri yeh story bhi pasand ayegi sex main kuch ganda nahi hota kuch log kehty hain phuddi ko suck nahi karna chahiye mera khayal hai larki ko sab se ziada maza phuddi suck karwany main he aata hai iss k bina sex complete nahi hota iss liye too mere se phuddi marwany k liye bohat si larkiyan contact karti hain lahore ki larkiyan agar mujh se apni phuddi marwana chahein too mujehy email kar k mera cell number lay saqti hain yeh prove kar k kay wo such main larki he hai meri id's hain seksguru@yahoo.com main daily raat 11 bajay se 3 bajay tak online hota hon jaldi he apni new story k saath aaonga tab tak intezar kijiye byeeeeee.
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